Join the Joy of Business Academy and expand your business beyond what you think is possible.

Over 5 months, we will meet twice a month and have a private thread that allows everyone to contribute to each other, as this is an aspect that is so undiscovered: contribution.

A few of the topics we will explore are:

  • Big Business Energy
  • Joy of Taxes
  • Profit
  • Generosity of Spirit & Gratitude
  • Being the Question
  • Receiving
  • Outcreating

What demand of you and request of the Universe can you ASK for today that would allow your business to exponentialize with ease, joy and glory?


Be any kind of Access Consciousness Facilitator or Practitioner (CF, BF, AFF, BPF, BP)
have attended one Business Done Different class with any Joy of Business Facilitator at any time

Call Schedule

Call #1: 22nd September 1pm PDT | 22nd September 10pm CEST | 23rd September 6am AEST
Your time and date
Call #2: 26th September 1pm PDT | 26th September 10pm CEST | 27th September 6am AEST
Your time and date
Call #3: 5th October 1pm PDT | 5th October 10pm CEST | 6th October 6am AEST
Your time and date
Call #4: 20th October 2pm PDT | 20th October 11pm CEST | 21st October 7am AEST
Your time and date
Call #5: 6th November 1pm PST | 6th November 10pm CET | 7th November 7am AEST
Your time and date
Call #6: 19th November 1pm PST | 19th November 10pm CET | 20th November 7am AEST
Your time and date 
Call #7: 5th December 7am PST | 5th December 4pm CET | 6th December 1am AEST
Your time and date 
Call #8: 18th Dec 7am PST | 18th Dec 4pm CET | 19th Dec 1am AEST
Your time and date 
Call #9: 12th January 3pm CST | 12th January 10pm CET | 13th January 7am AEST
Your time and date 
Call #10: 21st January 3pm CST | 21st January 10pm CET | 22nd January 7am AEST
Your time and date 

*class times may vary

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