Log In Made Easy!

Log In Made Easy!

Ready to jump into account creation?

Instructions start below: simply click on the bar that is most applicable to you.

But if you would like to see just how simple it can be... watch and follow Meredith as she creates a new account with total ease!

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If you are ‘new’ to Access, it means you have never taken a class and have never signed up for a mailing list.

Our website has been created with a login area where, if you sign up for a class, you'll be able to see classes you are registered for, pay for upcoming classes and see your class history.

What's more, when you log into the site, it will be able to show you your specific price for an individual class, repeat pricing if it applies to you, or any country pricing included.

If you think you may have signed up for something (Mailing List? A Radio Show? Free Class?) once before, please scroll down to the next bar ("Have Taken A Class or Are On A Mailing List") and follow those instructions instead.


Go to www.accessconsciousness.com and click on “Log In.”







Enter all of your details.

*fields are mandatory.


That’s it! You can now use your Username and Password to log into the system.

If you have any problems creating an account, please know we are here to help you! Email customerservice@accessconsciousness.com for assistance.


For all of you who have been to an Access Consciousness class or who are on our mailing lists, our aim is to make everything even easier for you in the future! Our website has been created with a login area where you'll be able to see classes you are registered for, pay for upcoming classes and see your class history.

What's more, when you log into the site, it will be able to show you your specific price for an individual class, repeat pricing if it applies to you, or any country pricing included.

Would you like to see more? Just proceed to STEP 1!


When you first create an account, it's important you use the email address and the exact spelling of your first name that we have on file for you (when you registered for a class or a mailing list). Not sure what email address and first name you used? 

Go to www.accessconsciousness.com and click on “Log In.”


Click the -I Forgot My Password- link.


Enter your Username.

If you don't remember your Username, click the -Click Here- link to enter your First Name and Email.

Please note: It is possible that we have 2 or more email addresses for you.

If you have more than one active email address or have changed your email with us and are having problems logging in, please use this form so we can resolve this for you.




i.          If the system says “The username is not associated with an account.” it's time to create a new account! Skip to STEP 5 below to begin account creation.


ii.          If the system says, "Looks like we may already have an account for you." please submit the info to this form here and we will get back to you. (We will have to adjust something for you before you can create an account.)

iii.          If you have entered the correct “First Name” and “Email” address, the system will show you and an email will be sent to your email on record with your Username & temporary Password. Hurray! Your work here is done.




i. To create an account, return to the HOME page.

ii. Click the -Log In- link again.

iii. Then click “CREATE AN ACCOUNT”.

That’s it!

You can now use your Username and Password to log into the system.

Once logged into the system, there is an overview on the left side. 


Under the section: My Account. This is where you can:

  • update your contact info, change your credentials (including your Username), or add any dependents;
  • purchase a profile on the Access Consciousness website, enroll in memberships like the Creative Edge, or review any digital downloads;
  • view hosting schedules, if you are hosting classes.

Under the section: My Classes.  This is where you can look at the upcoming classes you have registered for and review payment details.  Class History is an overview of your past classes taken.  If there is a class missing, complete this Form to have your class history updated.

If you have any problems creating an account, please know we are here to help you! Email customerservice@accessconsciousness.com for assistance. Or go here


Hello Amazing Facilitators! Our website has been created to make everything easier for you--now and in the future! It offers a login area where you'll be able to see which classes you are registered for, view your class history and pay for upcoming classes.

Once logged into the system, there is an overview on the left side:


Under the section: My Account.  This is where you can:

  • update your contact info, change your credentials (including your Username), or add any dependents;
  • purchase a profile on the Access Consciousness website, enroll in memberships like the Creative Edge, or review any digital downloads;
  • view hosting schedules, if you are hosting classes.

Under the section: Facilitator Tools.   This is where you can:

  • create a class,
  • create a POD,
  • make changes to your classes under your Facilitating Schedule
  • review your Certifications.

Under the section: My Classes.  This is where you can look at the upcoming classes you have registered for and view payment details.  Class History is an overview of your past classes taken.  If there is a class missing, complete this Form to have your class history updated.


Would you like to see more? Just proceed to STEP 1!



Go to www.accessconsciousness.comand click on “Log In.” If you know your username and password and can successfully log in, congratulations! You already have an account and your work here is done. If you cannot successfully log in, please keep reading.

When you first create an account, it is important you use the email address and the exact spelling of your first name that we have on file for you. (Please note: this account’s login details are not the same as your Access Shop account or your Access TV account login details.)

Not sure what email address and first name you've used?


Click the -I Forgot My Password- link.


Enter your Username.

If you don't remember your Username, click the -Click Here- link to enter your First Name and Email.

Please note: It is possible that we have 2 or more email addresses for you.

If you have more than one active email address or have changed your email with us and are having problems logging in, please use this form so we can resolve this for you.


i.          If the system says “The username is not associated with an account.” it's time to create a new account! Skip to STEP 5 below to begin account creation.


ii.          If the system says, "Looks like we may already have an account for you." please submit the info to this form here and we will get back to you. (We will have to adjust something for you before you can create an account.)

iii.          If you have entered the correct “First Name” and “Email” address, the system will show you and an email will be sent to your email on record with your Username & temporary Password. Hurray! Your work here is done.



i. To create an account, return to the HOME page.

ii. Click the -Log In- link again.

iii. Then click “CREATE AN ACCOUNT”.

That’s it!

You can now use your Username and Password to log into the system.

If you have any problems creating an account, please know we are here to help you! Email customerservice@accessconsciousness.com for assistance or GO HERE