Dawn Meyer

Dawn Meyer

Did you know that you have so many possibilities that you probably didn't even know existed? You do!

Woudl you like to explore with me?

I began studying Access Consiousness in 2012 when I was studying massage. During class, I heard about Access Consciousness and The Bars. As soon as the person started talking about it I decided ""I need to get me some of that""! So I enrolled in a Bars classes and was so impressed and so changed that I went on to get my Bars Facilitator certification and later to get my Body Facilitator certification and become a Certified Facilitator!

What occurred before that? I am a former Space Shuttle Software Engineer. As the shuttle program neared its end, I realized that I did not want to stay for the follow-on program. I was searching for something ... something more that I knew was out there ... I could sense its energy, but I didn't know what it was!

I had taken a number of Reiki and other energy healing classes and I started asking (even before Access) what would be the best way to put them to use was. What came to me was that I should become a massage therapist. So, after my layoff from the Space Center, I enrolled in massage school and got my license THEN ACCESS got me!

From launching shuttles to helping people heal their lives!!

How does it get any better than that?!?

What occurred before that? I am a former Space Shuttle Software Engineer. As the shuttle program neared its end, I realized that I did not want to stay for the follow-on program. I was searching for something ... something more that I knew was out there ... I could sense its energy, but I didn't know what it was!

I had taken a number of Reiki and other energy healing classes and I started asking (even before Access) what would be the best way to put them to use was. What came to me was that I should become a massage therapist. So, after my layoff from the Space Center, I enrolled in massage school and got my license THEN ACCESS got me!

So, now I am an Access Consciousness Bars, Body and Facelift Facilitator.

And I am a Reiki Master Teacher.

AND a Bars Facilitator.

AND a Body Process Facilitator

AND an Energetic Facelift Facilitator

AND a Licensed Massage Therapist (MA67581)

And I am loving it!!

From launching shuttles to helping people heal their lives!!

How does it get any better than that?!?

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Data Evento Facilitador Host Localização Médio
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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“"I think we're supposed to change the world" -- Sam Flynn, TRON Legacy "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." - Douglas Adams "So many things are possible once you stop believing they are impossible!" - Dawn C. Meyer”

- -- Sam Flynn, TRON Legacy, Douglas Adams and Dawn C. Meyer


Minhas aulas

Classe de Barras de Access

As Barras de Access são a espinha dorsal e a fundação de Access Consciousness. Elas podem ser o ponto de partida de uma grande aventura e pode ser algo que você inclui na sua vida que o ajudará a criar uma grande facilidade com tudo. As Barras são 32 pontos únicos na cabeça que estão relacionados a diferentes áreas e aspectos da vida. Toque uma Barra e você começará a limpar a energia presa àquela área ou àquele aspecto de sua vida, apenas por tocá-la.

Dar e Receber Barras de Access

Aplicar e receber Barras de Access é um processo incrivelmente energizante e gentil para você e seu corpo. Você começa a abrir as portas para a unidade - onde tudo existe sem julgamento. Em um evento de Dar e Receber Barras, você será capaz de trocar barras com outros praticantes de sua região. É uma maneira incrível de correr suas barras com frequência!