Helena Fjorović

Helena Fjorović

Sada je VAŠE vrijeme! Otkrijte neograničene mogućnosti koje Access Bars može biti za VAS kako biste kreirali više radosti i lakoće u svom životu.

Svi su alati jednostavni, lagani i zabavni, a kreiraju Vam čudesan život. 

Usudite se zaviriti u Access, može vam promijeniti cijeli život! To je VAŠA škrinja s blagom. I kako može biti još bolje od toga? :)

Slobodno me kontaktirajte za više detalja: 0923096728 ili kliknite na https://fit-factory.hr/radionice-barsi-prijava/  :)

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My Classes

Access Bars Class

Easy to learn, inexpensive and hands-on with a fully-trained facilitator guiding you in the technique.

CREATE! More Time, More Money, More Joy

This class is for you if you would like your life, your work, or your business to create something entirely different for yourself and for the planet. Every day when you wake up, you have the choice to create your life, or let it be created by the projections of this reality. If you are stuck in a comfortable or conventional way of doing business or living your life that feels limited, it doesn’t have to be that way! What if your life, living, work and business could be creative and joyful?

Access Body Gifting & Receiving

The Access Consciousness® Body Processes help you increase your awareness of your body so you can know when it’s communicating with you. In a Body Process Gifting & Receiving you will be able to gift and receive body processes that you have learned in Body Process classes or Access 3 Day Body classes. 

Creating Change with the Tools of Access Consciousness®

Access Consciousness® offers you the tools and questions to create everything you desire in a different and easier way, and to change the things in your life that you haven't been able to change until now. 

This introductory class will explore these life-changing techniques, tools and processes that are designed to empower you to create the life you desire. Practical, dynamic, and pragmatic, these tools and this class is designed to facilitate you in being more conscious in your everyday life and eliminate all the barriers you have put up to receiving.