Rosanne Sapphire

Rosanne Zaccagnino

I am an intuitive, spiritual, energetic body worker, ever changing, growing and expanding.   Discovering Access Consciousness has been life changing for me!  These tools and processes bring ease to me, to my body, and to my life; eliminating stress and negativity, clearing limiting beliefs and patterns, they have lessened pain and depressive tendencies for me, increased focus and concentration, joy and possibilities.  I was pleasantly surprised by the ease and simplicity of how things just started changing, such a tremendous gift!  You get up from a session, feeling so different, so peaceful, spaceous, happy and hopeful.  It feels like a a new beginning, a new start, a complete reset on your life. 😁  The best part was, that this new me continued for weeks!  Possibility longer, I couldn't wait that long before I had another session and decided to get certfied and the rest is history, as they say, lol.

What happens after using these tools & processes regularly is even more amazing.  You begin to see and perceive that there’s so much more that occurs behind the scenes. Your awareness heightens, and you begin to know that this alternative tool works on the elevation and recovery of Human Consciousness; unlocking the points-of-view, decisions, judgments, conclusions, limiting beliefs that separate us from direct communion with our true, authentic self. It reconnects us to this beautiful universe of infinite possibilities and we begin to see our true creative power, taking an active role in pursuing that which is most meaningful to us and in creating an inspiring, fun life.

     Deep down, do you know that something else is possible?

     That something different beyond this ordinary reality exists?

     That somewhere there is ease, joy and so many other possibilies?

For me, it all started with the Bars.  This process somehow allows you to access the ease, the peace, the joy almost effortlessly.   

If this lights you up as it does me, then perhaps it's time to experience a session.  Call me 914-330-7527.

If you are interested in learning this process, also reach out! 

I facilitate Bars Energetic Facelift, Body Processes and Happy Mouth sessions!

Certified Practitioner/Facilitator for other Body Processes m

ACCESS ENERGETIC FACELIFT - a wonderful, holistic approach that rejuvenates and restores the face and reverses the signs of aging  throughout the body.  This gentle, soothing touch applied to the face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, rejuvenate and enliven not just your skin and face . . .  you’re entire body benefits!

More Info:

HAPPY MOUTH - restores healthy teeth, gums, bacteria and much more.  If you're constantly having mouth issues, this will help clean up whatever is causing these issues.

CELLULAR MEMORY - specific for injuries

BIOMIMETIC MIMIMCRY - eliminates everywhere you've locked other peoples, pathways, pains realities and insanities into your body as your reality.   This undoes the duplication of other energetic structures that limits you in relationships, money, life, etc. 

MTVSS (rids body of toxins, resets the healing process, strengthens the immune system and so much more.)




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“"Beauty . . . it's a kind of radiance. People who possess a true inner beauty, their eyes are a little brighter, their skin a little more dewy. They vibrate at a different frequency."”

- Cameron Diaz
