Simone Milasas

Simone Milasas

Simone Milasas is an innovative business leader, author and a leading Facilitator with Access Consciousness®️, a set of life-changing techniques and tools currently facilitated in more than 175 countries.  A lady who knows how to be a woman, Simone joyfully sees the prospect of possibility and future in every choice she chooses.

As the Worldwide Business Development coordinator for Access Consciousness®️, she has been instrumental in its growth from 4 countries to 175+. Her unique and successful approach to business led to her founding the Joy Of Business, a program empowering entrepreneurs to embrace their own unique leadership and business skills.

A self-confessed compulsive creator, Simone is also co-owner of Castello di Casalborgone, a luxury semi-private residence in Italy, three Antique Stores in Australia, and El-Lugar, an eco-retreat in Costa Rica. 

Renowned for her refreshingly honest, vulnerable and dynamic approach Simone regularly features in the media, such as Fox News, Forbes, GQ and Mind Body Green and is the author of Joy of Business and best-sellers Getting Out Of Debt Joyfully and Relationships, Are You Sure You Want One? co-authored with Brendon Watt. 

She also hosts a weekly podcast, The Choice, Change and Action podcast, available on iTunes, Spotify & Google. More on Simone at



日付 イベント ファシリテータ ホスト 場所 メディア
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Who is Simone Milasas?

“I grew up with the question of ‘Imagine what you would do if you knew you could not fail?’ to me you cannot fail, failure is just the start of something new.”

- Simone Milasas



可能性のための選択 (CFP)

自分であるという違いにより、あなたにとって本当に可能なものは何か、そしてより大きな安らかさと共にそうなる方法を見始めるところです。このクラスは、アクセスコンシャスネスの共同創始者であるギャリー・ダグラスとDr. デイン・ヒア、そしてシモーン・ミラサス、グレース・ダグラス、カルパナ・ラグラマンがファシリテートします。この3日間は、無限の存在としての能力を認識し始めるスペースにアクセスすることとなるでしょう。



違うビジネスのやり方 マスタークラス
