Welcome World 4.5 Now What Jun-21 Teleseries

By Dr. Dain Heer

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Welcome to Welcome World 4.5 Now What with Dr. Dain Heer!

"The world has changed.

That might be the greatest understatement you’ve read to date.

I’d like to invite you to the new World.

I like to call it WORLD 4.5

Join me for a two part telecall where we will audaciously dive into the possibilities available in WORLD 4.5!"

–Dr. Dain Heer

Translated version available. See details below!





MP4 + MP3 + PDF Download
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Duration:  2-part video call

Facilitator:  Dr. Dain Heer

Format:  MP4 +MP3 + PDF Download 

Pre-Requisite:  The Foundation


What is Welcome World 4.5 Now What?

Over the past year and half, we have experienced one of the greatest RESETS in our lifetime.

Time stood still while many waited for “normal” to reappear, and others set out to create a totally different reality.

Some made choices that they weren’t ready to make. Others took the time to reflect and reprioritize.

But, RESET is something totally different if we are willing to choose it.

Imagine what it would be like if your past didn’t have to determine what you could create now?

What if that slate had been wiped totally clean and instead of asking to create a “new normal”, you asked what you could create that could never be considered normal.

The time is NOW my beautiful friends. I know you’ve heard me say this before… and it was as true then as it is NOW!

As far as I’m concerned, there’s never a better time than NOW to create the reality we know is possible!

This telecall throws out the GPS you’ve been using to navigate the world and creates a space where the magic of you becomes real and present for you. And you get to use that to create now.

–Dr. Dain Heer


+++ +++
In world 4.5 what you actually KNOW is a valid source for the creation of your life living, and reality.

–Dr. Dain Heer


Prerequisite: The Foundation

This allows the group to build on the awareness from these classes and take the step into the unknown, allowing magic to be created, continuously. If you haven't taken The Foundation or are interested in the latest class, you can learn more here:



Class Deliverables Include:

  • MP4 Digital Download
  • MP3 Digital Download
  • PDF Digital Download

Translated Languages:

Purchase the English version here and email shop@accessconsciousness.com with your purchase receipt or confirmation email to request the downloads in one of these languages: 

  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Japanese
  • Mandarin
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Spanish
  • Turkish

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Delivery Information:

Digital Downloads: Upon ordering the English version, a delivery email with download instructions will be sent to you so that you may download your files.  You will also be able to access your downloads from your Access account dashboard under My Account/Downloads if you logged in prior to purchase.

Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 20 years now, Dain has been co-creating Access Consciousness and inviting people worldwide to embrace their true greatness — people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society. Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to energetic change and healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own capacities, potency and knowing.