Christel Crawford

Christel Crawford

"Access Bars® and Access Consciousness restores you to the awareness of greater possibilities and more choice, for you and the creation of your life."
Consciousness came into my life at a pivotal time when I was seeking something I had no idea how to find.  It was the heaven I didn't know I was missing. The empowerment I didn't know I needed.

Using and living these Access tools, has changed everything. 

What if by your very choice, you could change everything?  What if by choosing, everything changed around you, including you?

You are a gift to everything that's possible, even when you don't believe it.  And trust me - I didn't. But the coolest thing about Access Consciousness is that you can just start exactly where you are. In fact, your questions, your curiosities open things for everyone.

What have you been seeking that now is the time to find? What if you are crucial to the possibilities in the world? What if the planet is already greater because you are here? 

Will you know what's true about you?  

Being, knowing, perceiving and receiving the gift that I am has changed everything for me, and it's been a hellava ride. [read more here

What can I contribute to you? 


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What would it be like if you embodied so much consciousness that other people became more conscious as a result of you?

“Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment, without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life – greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine. What if you could perceive, know, be and receive everything required to create the life you have always known should be possible?”

- Gary Douglas


Мои занятия


Этот класс разрушит фундамент ограничений, в которых, как вам кажется, следует жить, как будто у вас не существует иного выбора! Он проводится сертифицированными фасилитаторами Access Consciousness по всему миру и является интенсивным 4х дневным ознакомлением с тем,что еще возможно в вашей жизни. Этот класс создает осознание основ осознанности на том уровне, на котором вы их раньше в своей жизни не использовали!


Аксесс Бары являются самым ядром и основой Access Cоnsciousness. Они могут стать отправной точкой большого путешествия и быть прекрасным дополнением к вашей жизни, которое поспособствует вам в создании большей лёгкости во всём. Бары – это 32 уникальные точки на голове, которые соотносятся с различными сферами и аспектами жизни. Прикоснитесь к одному Бару, и вы начнёте высвобождать энергию, запертую в этой сфере или аспекте вашей жизни, всего лишь через прикосновение.

Relationship - A hot bed of reaction or receiving?

Presumptions and reactions tend to run our lives and relationships until we’ve judged each other (and ourselves) out of existence, along with the pleasure of being together that was the reason we chose relationship in the first place. But what else is possible?