Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport (BUD)
BUD Website
The city center can be reached by taxi in 30-45 minutes.
Budapest Ferenc Liszt Airport is approximately 30 minutes from the city centre, and easily accessible by the airport express road.
Easiest way to get into the city from Budapest Airport is by Taxi. There is a taxi stand outside the airport. Taxi fare from Budapest Airport to city center: about 11.000 - 13.000 HUF (25-33 EUR).
BOLT is similar to Uber, both are available in Hungary.
PARKING: Parking around the venue in the street can be tricky and expensive during weekdays. On the weekend parking is free in Budapest, however finding a parking place can be more difficult.
Nearby parking garages:
Hungary’s unit of currency is the forint (HUF)
If you earn your money in Euros or USD you will find Budapest somewhat cheaper compared to other WesternEuropean countries.
Even though Euros are accepted in some shops (very few) please always pay in HUF cash or pay with your credit card as the exchange rates in those shops are extremely poor.
ATMs are widely available in the city center. Please research if your bank has it’s own ATMs and the locations of those.
Check the current exchange rate here.
Credit cards are accepted in most shops and restaurants.
We will require the following information:
Passport name
Passport number
Phone number
Class dates
Approximate travel dates.
Intercontinental Budapest
Apáczai Csere János utca 12-14
1052 Budapest
+36 1 327 6333
Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace Budapest *****
4-minute walk from venue
Budapest Marriott Hotel *****
5-minute walk from venue
Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest *****
7-minute walk from venue
Prestige Hotel Budapest ****
7-minute walk from venue
Emerald Hotel & Suites ****
10-minute walk from venue
Hotel Memories Budapest ****
16-minute walk from venue
D8 Hotel ***
3-minute walk from venue
Promenade City Hotel ***
8-minute walk from venue
Budapest is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. The city is well known for its beautiful sights, amazing food and wonderful baths.
Other notable sights:
Parliament building, Andrássy avenue, Opera and Heroes square, Jewish quarter.
Budapest has an amazing variety of thermal baths. If you have an extra half day it is absolutely recommended to visit one of these.
Gellért Bath - In a gorgeous art nouveau building
Széchenyi Bath - Huge open air pools, some evenings there are pool parties.
Rudas Bath - Has a historical Turkish part and a jacuzzi overlooking the city.
The national drink of Hungary is pálinka, a fruit brandy that, to put it frankly, could well topple a horse.
Abuse Hold Class- with Grace Douglas
Saturday March 15, evening of Day 2
6:30 - 9:30 pm
When you've been abused, you lock that in your body.
This is a class for your body.
It allows your body to release, to relax and to have a sense of peace.
加入意識創意先鋒,享受前排座位和 VIP 註冊。
由 Access Consciousness 創辦人加利.道格拉斯、戴恩.希爾醫生和西蒙.米拉薩斯提供最新、最精彩的內容,包括每月一次的現場電話課程以及隨時隨地不可預期的驚喜。
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