Brisbane Airport
About 1 hour and 40 minutes from the venue
Sunshine Coast Airport
15 minutes away from the venue
From Brisbane Airport
Mooloolaba is approximately 105 km / 65 miles from Brisbane.
Travel time is about 1hr and 40 minutes.
Australia’s national currency is the Australian dollar (AUD) which comes in polymer (plastic) notes of $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100. Coins are in 5, 10, 20 and 50 cent denominations as well as $1 and $2 denominations.
Convert currency at your bank, or at the airport before leaving or upon arrival.
Check currrent exchange rates at Xe Currency Exchange currency converter.
ATMs are available.
Credit cards are widely accepted.
*For ease of payment, please let your credit card companies know where and when you will be traveling.
All non-residents require a visa to enter Australia.
You can find information on types of visas and how to apply online here.
Email Customer Service
We will require the following information:
Passport name
Passport number
Phone number
Class dates
Approximate travel dates
7 Venning St,
Mooloolaba QLD 4557
+61 7 5665 4416
Please note that it will be peak season in Australia so be sure to book your accomodation well in advance.
Airbnb - check out what's available here
Bookings.com - more accommodation options here
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