Ashlee Rose Jellis

Ashlee Jellis


What if anything could change and everything was possible?

Hi, I’m Ashlee Rose, I’m an Energy / Mindset coach, Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator and a former Registered Nurse, here to empower you with the tools that have changed my entire life.

Let me explain.

From the age of 3-26 I suffered from severe anxiety. I struggled at school (often having to be dragged out of the car by my school principle kicking and screaming) and grew up believing there was something inherently wrong with me.

I constantly felt lost and confused and like I didn’t belong anywhere, which effected my entire life – making friends, being in relationships, my career. And as frequently as I thought about death as an option, I knew within the depths of my being that something else was possible and available – I just didn’t know where to find that.

During my 20’s I was addicted to jumping from one personal development workshop to the next, looking for the answers that I believed would finally change my life.. but that never happened. With each day that past my mind seemed to get louder and my desperation and depression grew.

In 2016 my life hit rock bottom. I was 20kg heavier, had severe anxiety and depression, felt totally disconnected from myself, lacked confidence, hated myself and my body and no matter where I looked (or how many personal development courses I took) could not find my joy. I spent most of my days between shift work in my room crying and binge eating, thinking that there had to be more to life than this.

Fast forward to April 2018, and my life was about to change dramatically.

My kinesiologist had told me about the Access Bars - a technique that clears all the junk in your head - and said she had a 1-day training coming up.

I was reluctant to say yes, I wondered how touching a few points on my head would change much, but at the same time I knew I had to be there. So, I registered, having no idea that my whole life was about to change in the space of a day.

I remember when I got off the table at my first Access Bars class I was a completely different woman. My monkey mind was silent, my mind was clear and I felt a sense of space, lightness and joy I had never felt before.

The anxiety I felt before jumping on the table was a distant memory, and I jumped off the table exclaiming, “Why doesn't everyone know about this technique?!”. 

And so, that’s exactly what I set out to do!

I became an Access Bars Facilitator in December 2018 and started sharing this phenomenal technique with the world. And four years in, the Access Bars have invited me to creating the life I always knew was possible. 

I’m finally happy. I actually like myself. I trust my intuition. No longer think. Have attracted the most incredible relationships into my life. And have quit my professional Nursing job and created a global business travelling the world introducing people to the tools of Access Consciousness.

My ask is that no-one have to struggle and for everybody on the planet to be empowered to know what is truly possible to create as their life, beyond all limitation.

What if labels or diagnosis were just that, and they meant nothing about what’s actually possible to change and transform?

What if it was actually possible to change everything and anything with ease?

What if you too, had the power and the tools to change the course of your life, forever?

Thanks for being you, and thanks for being here!

Desire more? Click on one of the links below.





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Relationships Done Different

Relationships Done Different is an invitation to something greater.

In this class you will be given simple and pragmatic Access Consciousness tools to empower you to create relationships that actually work. It starts with your choice.


Access Bars 是Access Consciousness 非常核心和基礎的工具 。它已經協助數以千計的人們在它們的身體和生命裡改變非常多的層面,包含睡眠,健康,體重,金錢,性和關係,焦慮,壓力,以及更多。透過學習或接收這項技術,你可以完全輕鬆地給予你自己和你的客戶,朋友,家人和同事們你們所需要點關懷,仁慈和滋養。

