Vladica Djordjevic

Access Consiousness 
Victomhood or LEADERSHIP? Sadness to JOY?
More MONEY? Better Relationship? and a PHENOMENAL LIFE?

With a joyful and wonderful sense of humor, I will take you to the places where you have locked your potential and stopped you from the space of Being.

 What if consciousness were actually the most potent healing force on the planet?  Would you be willing to use it to heal whatever ails you?

Join me in  any of my classes world-wide and choose to STEP into everything YOU ARE now!

My name is Vladica Djordjevic and I am so grateful that you are taking time to read this. What inspiration can I be to YOU to choose more of and for YOU?

In the past 7 years I have been facilitating people world-wide with tools and processes that change their bodies, relationships, money flows and their entire life. It is fun, potent and energetic. Would you be willing to step into everything that you be no matter how that looks like?

What if I tell you that everything is possible!? The only limitation is the one coming from your thoughts, feelings and emotions and if we shift that  then it is possible for you to shift your entire life and everything around you.

How did all this started for me?

I was born in Serbia and came to Sweden as a little girl. I studied business economics and worked for more than 20 years in the business world . I had a really great job, everything I needed on a material level, but  I was constantly unhappy and in pain with my body. I had eczema and rheumatic pain, and the doctors diagnosis me with having fybriomyallergi.

This was not acceptable to me as I desired to find the answers to the question I kept asking myself: Who am I!? What is my purpose!? Why am i here?

In 1992 I went through a severe divorce and this is where my journey to consciousness became the most essential part of my life,  and a journey that took me 15 years to heal.

I came into contact with different modalities and what fascinated me was Classical Homeopathy and the teaching of Yoga. These were my first baby steps to understand the art of healing the body. I became a classical homeopath, initiated in Krya Yoga and Kundalin Yoga Teacher.

In 2009 I became and Access Consciousness facilitator, an additional technique in my ever expanding portfolio .

From that moment on I stepped into the Energy of ME that I was not aware existed before. The capacities of me was unstoppable as I reached spaces that I didn’t not know was possible and the work I did with the people became almost magical and miraculous. People reported tremendous change after each class and session they took with me and this was the beginning of a way to work with bodies and energies that I now call Energetic Body Touch Class.

My son was dramatically killed in 2010 and this situation completely changed my life. And yet through that experience I chose to become a contribution to the world and to live in gratitude . It was as if a miraculous light was carrying me in that very moment I chose that.

This is what I would like to invite you to. To be the Catalyst of Change in YOUR life so you can Lead your life in the NOW.

Not from the past and the future to come – from the NOW. From these 10 seconds that are available to you now and where you can choose to be the Creator of a New Earth where healing and possibilities are as natural as the thriving of the planet where everything exits and nothing is judged.

Are you willing to?

Welcome to my world crafted with love and passion !

What contribution can I be to your world?

With graittude and JOY

Vladica Djordjevic


email: info@vladicadjordjevic.com

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“Learn to laugh and celebrate your existence. If you can laugh your seriousness is gone and the beauty of you is you!”

- Vladica Djordjevic


My Classes

Access 3-denní Kurz o těle

Co kdyby bylo vaše tělo kompasem nebo průvodcem v tajemstvích, záhadách a magii života? Access Kurz o těle je navržen tak, aby otevřel dialog a vytvořil společenství s vaším tělem, které vám umožní užívat si tělo místo boje proti němu a jeho zneužívání.


Tento kurz odstraňuje základy omezení, o kterých jste si mysleli, že z nich musíte žít, jako byste neměli jinou volbu! Tento 4 denní intenzivní průzkum toho, co jiného je možné, je facilitován certifikovanými Access Consciousness facilitátory z celého světa. Kurz vytváří povědomí o základech vědomí, které jste ve svém životě dosud nepoužívali.

How to Become Money Workbook

There are a lot of people who are trying desperately to change their money situation. This class is about how to BE Money!! Are you ready to be brutally honest with yourself about what your points of view of money are?

Kurz Access Bars

Access Bars® jsou naprostým základem Access Consciousness. Mohou být začátkem skvělého dobrodružství a může to být něco, co přidáte do svého života a podpoří vás to při tvorbě větší lehkosti se vším. Barsy jsou 32 jedinečnými body na hlavě, které souvisí s různými životními oblastmi a aspekty. Dotkněte se jednoho Barsu a začnete čistit energii, která je v této oblasti nebo aspektu vašeho života uzamčená. Stačí jen dotek.

Access Energetický Facelift

Access Energetický Facelift je úžasným nástrojem k omlazení a odstranění známek stárnutí obličeje a celého těla. Tento jemný zklidňující dotyk, aplikovaný v oblasti tváře a dekoltu podporuje obnovu, oživení a omlazení buněk těla.