Valentina Gadjaloff

Valentina Gadjaloff

Access Consciousness created a tremendous shift in my life.

Before Access Consciousness, I was creating my life from a place of PTSD, trauma, drama and the energy of 'no choice universe'.

Since June 2018, when I first discovered Access Consciousness, I dynamically redesigned each and every area of my life without even realizing it.  From relationship, familyship, mental health, wealth, business.......every single part of my life changed......the way I was desiring it!

The major realization was that my resistance to receiving what I did in my life was not wrong.  This was just a different way of functioning.

I transmuted an insane amount of beliefs and points of view that were limiting my capacity to create a life that I truly wanted to create that I was not even allowing myself to consider as a possibility.  

Access Consciousness contributes to my life every day in so many ways by offering to me a sense of infinite possibilities.  How does it get any better?

As a free mind and a free spirit, I found Access Consciousness through a magical tribe where I can express my uniqueness, while being part of oneness with this reality.  

My Professional Background

Since 2018 I became an Access Bars Practitioner and Facilitator, Access Energetic Facelift Practitioner, Access Body Process Practitioner and now also an Access Body Facilitator.

I also have over 26 years as an experienced Holistic Health Practitioner, Medical Esthetician, Micro-Current Face-Lift Technician, Vegan Lash Lift Technician, Integrated Aromatic Sciences Practitioner, Clinical Aromatherapist, Integrated Raindrop Technique Practitioner, Body Talk Energy Medicine Practitioner, Joyous Body Protocol Practitioner, Breakthrough Consultant, Electrophotography GDV Technology Consultant, Eco-Essentials Consultant, Indigenous Healer Student and owner, founder and Practitioner of Aromatic Wholistic Health Spa by 'Valentina' located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

My commitment is to the continuation to expand my knowledge and skills as a contribution to my, my clients lives and the creation to more healing and possibilities.

My philosophy is that beauty and wellness begins naturally with internal wellness and flourishes with external nourishment in all realms of mind, body and spirit. I bring this philosophy to you through relaxation, rejuvenation and the gentle power of  human touch. 

I have a special rapport with all of my clients and students and strive to maintain a welcoming, peaceful and nurturing environment; where one can experience and enjoy total relaxation while your body, mind and spirit receives the cleansing and revitalizing that is required to reverse the ravages brought on by a stressful life. 

I am looking forward to contribute to your life as Access Consciousness has contributed to mine.

How can it get better than this? What else is possible?

'All of life comes with ease, joy and glory!"

Looking forward to be part of this journey with you. 

Valentina Gadjaloff

Aromatic Wholistic Health Spa


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ACCESS ENERGETIC FACELIFT CLASS WITH SHANNON O'HARA & GRACE DOUGLAS Puerto Vallarta, Mexico & Online Worldwide – May 4, 2021 – Hello and welcome! This Access Energetic Facelift and Body Processes Classes coming soon! All of these Access Consciousness Bars, Energetic Facelift and Body Proccesses are all available for you to receive at Aromatic Wholistic Health Spa located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Looking forward to your attendance and to treating you! How can it get better? What else is possible? Warmly, Valentina Gadjaloff Aromatic Wholistic Health Spa by 'Valentina'

“Beauty, Healthy - Naturally! Embrace the 'beautiful you' naturally in mind, body and spirit. Take care of yourself and the ones that you love!”

- "The body and mind are one. When the intimate relationship between mind and body is disrupted, aging and entropy accelerate" DEEPAK CHOPRA


My Classes

Access Bars in the Park

You are invited to this event to experience an Access Bars session in the beauty of the outdoors! Every session is different. What is most often reported is that there is a sense of complete relaxation, a more peaceful mind, and increased energy and creativity.