Access Consciousness on Voice America

Access Consciousness® airs every Thursday at 2 PM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel

To ask a question LIVE during the show, please call: +1-888-346-9141
Please note calling this number calls the current live call on VoiceAmerica Empowerment not only the Access Consciousness® show.

Are You Waiting For Consciousness?

Have you caught yourself waiting 'until'. . . or waiting for someone to catch up to you before you choose to move forward with your life? Are you waiting for consciousness to be everywhere before you choose it for you? What if now is the time to be the difference you be?

Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing. What if now is the time to discover the potency, the joy and the magnificence of YOU? What would you like to create your world as?

Access Consciousness® Founder, Gary Douglas, and Co-creator, Dr Dain Heer offer simple, pragmatic tools that create greater awareness and possibilities for change in all areas of life, including relationships, business, money, caring for the earth, bodies and health. They're irreverent, funny and totally committed to sharing weird and wonderful tools for change that actually work!

We invite you to join Gary and Dain on the Access Consciousness® show on Voice America. They run processes that set you free from whatever is limiting you, and explore the questions and choices that lead to greater possibilities. How does it get better than that?

Are you ready to get started? Here's a tool you can play with when you wake up each morning... just ask "Who am I today and what grand and glorious adventures can I have?" What if you could start to create your life as different, just by asking a question? Consciousness truly is that easy.

To find the current week's show: click HERE

For a taster show and more: click HERE

Want to get even more out of Gary & Dain's show on Voice America?

You can now receive the clearings from every show so that you can play them and receive even more change! To receive these clearings, join The Pearls of Possibilities Monthly Membership!

The Pearls of Possibilities is a recurring monthly membership. Your monthly cycle will be 30 days and starts on the day you sign up. You will be charged $5 every 30 days until you cancel. There is also an option to join the annual membership too!

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