Wealth Creators Anonymous Facilitator Training

Wealth Creators Anonymous Facilitators


This Facilitators class invites the uniqueness of you, and what you know about your way of creating money, to contribute to people who have not yet created all the wealth they would like in their lives.

Have you managed to create money when you have started out with none? Do you know that everyone has the possibility of generating wealth with ease and joy? Would you like to facilitate people into greater possibilities with money?

“I really want people who have managed to create money when they started out with none because we've had people who have had money have known how to keep it and expand it. I would like to add to this the place where there are people who can contribute to those who don't have money so they can find out how to have money cos that's the one thing that’s missing. I have the tools that will help you keep money, get money, create money but the uniqueness of each individual who manages to create money their own way is the gift that you begin to see about how you might be able to have money in your life.”

- Gary Douglas

Most programs about money deal with saving or investing or accounting; they do not address how to make money a reality in your life. What if none of these things allowed you to stop what you do financially, control what you do or determine what you do? And not stop you from creating?

Are you ready to facilitate others in obliterating all their insane points of view and stories about what they cannot have and begin creating as a financial reality that works for them?


1. Be an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator

2. Have taken the following classes at least once: 

RR4U 101 - Fundamentals of Wealth (1 day class)

RR4U 102 - Premise for the Creation of Wealth (2 day class)

Please note:  You can attend the Houston Right Riches For You 101 & 102 class right before the Facilitator Class or you can purchase the previous class audios for these classes to meet your pre-requisites, please contact Daria@accessconsciousness.com if you are interested.

3. Write Gary Douglas a letter with details that indicates:

  • Why you would be a great Right Riches For You Facilitator?
  • What do you know about money?
  • What is your ability with money?

Send the letter to Gary@accessconsciousness.com and cc: RightRiches@accessconsciousness.com


$5000 USD

Please note:  Global Pricing does not apply to this class

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