Inspired Classes

Classes uniquely created by inspired Certified Facilitators applying the tools and processes of Access Consciousness to a broad range of topics.

Access Book Club & Exploration

Anyone can join these book clubs hosted and facilitated by an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Welcome to a totally different conversation and facilitation with Access questions, clearings and processes.

Energy Pulls - The Series

Welcome to an energy pull series, with an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, designed to actualize the things you desire and are asking for!

Receiving From Men - A Telecall

Do You Allow Yourself to Receive from Men with Ease?
What would your life be like if you would allow yourself to receive it all?
Are you ready for something different?

How to Become Money Workbook

There are a lot of people who are trying desperately to change their money situation. This class is about how to BE Money!! Are you ready to be brutally honest with yourself about what your points of view of money are?

Advanced How to Become Money Workbook

This class is designed to facilitate the insane and limited points of view you have created around money, and to create more ease in your life and living with a lot more money and currency flows. If you could change your financial reality by looking at the points of view you have about money, would you choose to?

Come Diventare Denaro

Che bello facilitare questa classe! Come può essere meglio di così? Circa tre anni fa ho partecipato ad una classe con Gary Douglass di 3 giorni sul denaro,come sono diventata così fortunata?. E' stata una grande magia, abbiamo ricevuto così tante informazioni e così pian pianino ho cominciato ad utilizzare questi strumenti.

Joy of Movement

How much has this reality told us that only certain types of movement are ‘acceptable’? How much have we stopped listening to our bodies and have we perpetrated this realities’ limited view points about movement? And where have we lost the free, joyful experience of dancing?

Pragmatic Futurist

Being a Pragmatic Futurist is about looking at how one can make choices today for their future. This class will be about learning and fine tuning the tools and your awareness to follow the energy of future possibility rather than what we have been taught currently which is to just survive the month.

The Art of Touch

Touch is powerful, that’s why there is so much charge around it for so many. And touch is also one of the most amazing parts of having a body. Imagine if you could have total ease with every kind of touch that crosses your path, the good, the bad, and the ugly? In this class, the journey begins. 

The Art of Touch - Intro

Touch is powerful, that’s why there is so much charge around it for so many. And touch is also one of the most amazing parts of having a body. Imagine if you could have total ease with every kind of touch that crosses your path, the good, the bad, and the ugly? In this Intro class, the journey begins. 


The Ten Keys to Total Freedom

The Ten Keys To Total Freedom are the KEYS TO YOUR FREEDOM in this reality! Gary Douglas often says that over 95% of anything that is going on can be handled by using one or more of the Access Consciousness® Ten Commandments! If you’ve never attended an Access Consciousness® class before, then this is a great introduction! (And if you have… you’ll discover a whole range of things about how to use the Ten Commandments that you never knew before!)

Talk To The Plants - An Intro

Talk To the Plants is an exploration of the many ways we can expand our presence and receiving from the Earth. These classes are led by the energetic awareness offered by plants and will incorporate the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness.

Talk To The Plants

Talk To the Plants is an exploration of the many ways we can expand our presence and receiving from the Earth. These classes are led by the energetic awareness offered by plants and will incorporate the dynamic tools of Access Consciousness.

9 Transformational Energies- Interstellar, the Teleseries

The 9 transformational energies are a space & chaos beyond time we can engage with to create and change anything we are asking to. This teleseries is an interstellar adventure, including 9 Transformational Energies with, through and as everything you be.
Warning: creation of chaos and space are a by product of this class. Your mind is not required!  

What If You Are The Evolution?

What if you are the evolution of the species?

An Introduction to Right Body for You

What if change with your body is possible? What if your body has a consciousness of its own?

Relationships Beyond Normal

What are you avoiding by choosing normal in all of your relationships?
What is possible with your relationship with yourself? Family? Friends? Partners? Colleagues? Your body? The Earth?

Turning Off the Gas of Gaslighting

Turning Off the Gas of Gaslighting is an invitation to address the subtlety of energies that would allow you to function again as you, without the requirement to fight, defend, avoid or separate from anyone.

What is Possible with Access Bars in Business?

Explore taking Access Bars into a business, company or organization! Connect locally and worldwide through events hosted by the Bars in Business core team.

Being the Voice of Change

This intro class invites all that join to include themselves in the world and overcome the walls of separation most people buy as real.

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Results: ( {{totalCount}} Results Found )

Location Format
Date {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitator{{event.eventFacilitator}}
Location {{event.eventCity}}, {{event.eventState}}, {{event.eventCountry}}