The Truth About Sex

Looking around the world, it’s no wonder a lot of people are confused about sex. We are told that it’s wrong, shameful and naughty to have it and desire it. At the same time it's what we are supposed to be doing and if you aren’t having any you are wrong again. For so many people, what they have experienced as sex was abuse and unkindness and that is what they think it is.

What if there was another possibility here? What if it wasn’t significant, you didn't have to get it right, and you could have what's true for you with sex?

In The Beginning… (There Was Sex)

Exploring the truth about sex, sexualness, copulation, sensuality and more. This class will invite you to take away the trauma, the judgment, fear and shame around sex so it can be the possibility it actually is: a natural capacity to express joy, receive and enjoy our bodies.

In The Middle… (There was More Sex)

A two-day class diving deeper into new possibilities with sex, sexualness, and nurturing copulation. Beyond the limitations of sex as abuse and validation and the boundaries of sexuality, we start to look at what a reality of our own with sex actually could be. What if it was fun instead of serious?

In The End… (There was Even More Sex)

For those that just can't get enough and are willing to have sex for what it actually is: a creative, joyful, glorious, nurturing source of generative energy for us and our bodies. These two days will take you beyond problem and into possibility with sex that few ever give themselves permission to receive.