Leaders of Tomorrow - Being The Catalyst of Change

Welcome to Leaders of Tomorrow - Being The Catalyst of Change!

What does leadership mean to you? Think beyond the boundaries of what you have been told traditional leadership means.  What if it is not only being a manager or a Vice President? What if it can be a person of any age with a vision of something greater and he or she will do whatever it takes to make it real?

If you were that leader, what would you desire to create?  The target of the Leaders of Tomorrow program is to empower people of all ages and backgrounds to acknowledge their current abilities and skills, and develop the necessary leadership skills to bring to life their dreams for a better tomorrow.

Who can benefit from these classes? The program is offered to the youth 8 and older and to adults of all ages.

The tools offered can be applied to being the leaders of your life, in school, with relationships, in your business or career, and anything else you desire to create.

The Leaders of Tomorrow Program offers various workshops which have different types of requirements, and may be available online and in-person. Please see below under the Class Details section for the specific workshop being offered.

Sample of Leaders of Tomorrow Workshops include:
·     Being The Catalyst of Change
·     Questions Empower
·     The Gift of Being Different
·     Easy Steps To Make Money - Financial Awareness & Ways to Make More
·     Tools To Increase Your Productivity & Lessen The Chatter In Your Head
·     Improve Relationships, Communication, & Socialization
·     Making School, Teachers and Studying Easier
·     Leading with Less Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Intensity & Pain (SAFIP)
·     A Day of Stress Releasing, Creativity & Coping Skills (Bars- the current Access details)
·     Being The Leader Beyond Your Diagnosis

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