Barbara Poulin

Barbara Poulin

Have you always thought there was more magic in the world and you just didn't know how to be it? That is what my life journey seems to have been. Since the time I was a small child I knew I should be able to heal things with my hands- but I just couldn't remember how... I would listen to the ghosts moving around the house and could not understand why my parents thought I was imagining things. My life has been good. I have managed to create pretty much everything that I really wanted (within the expectations of those people in my life guiding me through how it should look and how I should conduct myself.) Have you tried to fit into the expectations, judgements, and controls that make you a good citizen, friend, parent, or child? Are you ready to break out of that box and be something more? 

Christmas 2016 was the day I chose something more. I had been doing Shaman work for several years and kept asking the universe for more- more teachers, more classes, more of me! Christmas day I was introduced to a woman who had been doing healing work for several years with many different healing modalities. I asked her which was her favorite, the most powerful thing she used. She didn't hesitate to tell me Access Consciousness Bars. She suggested I find a class in Denver and I did! A month later I drove back to Denver and took my first Bars class. It changed my life and I am on the fast track to being all that I am! AND GUESS WHAT??? I use my hands to heal people, animals, plants... the possibilities are endless!! I am an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, a practitioner of Access Bars, Access Body Processes, Access Energetic Facelift, ESSE (Energetic Synthesis of Structural Embodiment), SAP (Symphony Advanced Practitioner), and Abuse Hold (a dynamic body process that releases the thoughts, emotions, and traumas locked in the body from any kind of abuse.)  I am ALSO a facilitator for Access Foundation, Access Bars, Access Body Processes, and Access Energetic Facelift. I do private sessions in person and over the phone, skype, or FaceTime. All are equally affective in creating massive change and possiblities with your body. Come play with me!!  If you would like me to Facilitate any of these classes, please contact me. I love to travel and have Facilitated Internationally. I am open to traveling most places in the world! 

Using the processes and tools of Access Conciousness has not only changed my life profoundly, but I have had the pleasure of being a contribution to so many clients, friends and family in changing their lives profoundly. One client asked, "So will I have this grin on my face the rest of my life?" Yes, if you choose joy, you will not be able to wipe that beautiful smile off of your face! Are you ready to create more space in your body- to create money, health, youth, ease, joy and a glorious life? Do you want to sleep like a baby and no longer have a million thoughts swirling through your head? Take a chance and be more of you! Just ask the question- "Will this be a contribution to my body and I if I choose to play?" Wait, no conclusions allowed- just feel your body- if it is light and expansive then that is a big YES!!


If you would like to book a private session with me or require more information about classes, you can visit my website: email me at or text or call me at 970-846-3430. I look forward to hearing from you! How much fun can we have creating something greater in your life?! Come find me!!

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Would you like to know more about me and the classes I facilitate? Would you like to schedule a private session with me? Go to my web page


Minhas aulas

Classe de Barras de Access

As Barras de Access são a espinha dorsal e a fundação de Access Consciousness. Elas podem ser o ponto de partida de uma grande aventura e pode ser algo que você inclui na sua vida que o ajudará a criar uma grande facilidade com tudo. As Barras são 32 pontos únicos na cabeça que estão relacionados a diferentes áreas e aspectos da vida. Toque uma Barra e você começará a limpar a energia presa àquela área ou àquele aspecto de sua vida, apenas por tocá-la.

O Fundamento

Esta classe desfaz as bases da limitação com que você pensa que tem que viver, como se não tivesse outra escolha! É oferecida por facilitadores certificados de Access em todo o mundo e é uma exploração intensa, de 4 dias, do que mais é possível. A classe cria consciência do fundamento da consciência que você ainda não está usando em sua vida!

Introdução à Classe de Barras

Essa classe é sobre ter as possibilidades que você sempre quis que acontecessem, e ter as ferramentas para mudar tudo quando algo não funciona, no momento exato. O facilitador irá falar sobre algumas das ferramentas de Access Consciousness e apresentá-lo às Barras de Access, um processo corporal dinâmico e fácil de aprender.

Access Facelift

O Access Facelift é uma maneira maravilhosa de rejuvenescer o rosto e reverter os sinais do envelhecimento do rosto e de todo o corpo. O suave toque calmante aplicado ao seu rosto e pescoço age nas células do seu corpo para restaurar, estimular e rejuvenescer.

Energy Pulls - The Series

Welcome to an energy pull series, with an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, designed to actualize the things you desire and are asking for!