Symphony of Possibilities (SOP)


فيديوهاتنا مترجمة لعدة لغات. لتفعيل الترجمة، ابدأ الفيديو ثم اختر لغتك من قائمة الإعدادات في أسفل يمين الشاشة.

Is now the time to change the world by your very touch?

Are you ready to become an energetic orchestrator of all possibilities?

The Symphony of Possibilities Training is facilitated exclusively by Dr. Dain Heer, who has developed this unique way to utilize the energies of the universe to start creating your life, living, and reality by moving the very molecules of consciousness.

In this 3-day training, Dain uses the Symphony energies to show and invite you to an energetic space where miracles can occur – with total ease.

He also guides you in exploring that energy while you practice and explore gifting and receiving Symphony sessions in the class. It is that simultaneity of gifting and receiving that opens up and expands into universes of possibilities and even ... oneness.

Are you ready to start dancing with consciousness?

If yes – welcome!

After this class

After this class, you will be a Symphony practitioner, able to offer Symphony sessions. You will also be able to use it as a prerequisite on your journey to becoming a Symphony Advanced Practitioner (SAP), a Maestro or a Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator (CF).


Choice for Possibilities (or Choice of Possibilities) AND Energetic Synthesis of Being Class  and NEW Beginning in January 2024 one Opening of the Symphony. You can take these classes in person, online or buy them as a shop product to attend Symphony of Possibilities.
  • You must have completed an ESB within 18 months from the start date of the SOP training.
  • You must have completed Choice for Possibilities within 12 months from the start date of the SOP training.
  • You must have completed the Opening of the Symphony at any time. 

You must have completed the prerequisites above at any time and in addition, completed an advanced class or a full telecall series (3 or more days long) with Gary Douglas or Dr. Dain Heer within 12 months from the start date of the SOP training.

الدورات المتقدمة هي أي دورة أو سلسلة مكالمات 3 أيام أو أكثر مع د.دين هير أو غاري دوغلاس أو دورة الاختيار للإمكانيات مع أي ميسر.

Breaking Symphony News!

Starting in 2024, the Opening of the Symphony class with Anthony Mattis is becoming a prereq for the Symphony of Possibilities class with Dr. Dain Heer for all first-timers!

You can take the Opening of the Symphony class in person, online or buy it as a shop product to attend the Symphony of Possibilities class.

For those of you who have already taken a Symphony of Possibilities class with Dr. Dain Heer, you are all set! This is only for first-time participants of the Symphony of Possibilities.

Have you taken a Symphony of Possibilities class before?

You are required to complete an Advanced Class within 12 months from the start date of the SOP training. (Advanced class description above)

NOTE: If you have already participated in a Symphony of Possibilities training with Dr. Dain Heer, you do NOT need to take the Opening of the Symphony class to come to another SOP class.


Country pricing and Age pricing applies.
Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under My Classes, Make a Payment after registering.
All prices include MP3 recordings of the class and the clearing loops.

Repeat Pricing may apply to a class price when a client attends the same class type again, within a set number of months.

فيديوهاتنا مترجمة لعدة لغات. لتفعيل الترجمة، ابدأ الفيديو ثم اختر لغتك من قائمة الإعدادات في أسفل يمين الشاشة.


➜ If this is your first Symphony of Possibilities training we ask you to be present throughout the entire class, with your camera on.
➜ Please note: failing to attend each day and participate on camera may affect your ability to use this class as a prerequisite for both the Certified Facilitator Training and the Maestro class.
➜ NEW: Dr. Anthony Mattis will be leading the afternoon Symphony Session trades.

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