Alayna Hale

Alayna Hale

What if being different was easy? Sounds too good to be true? Want to give it a try?

It would be my pleasure to introduce you to Access Bars® and Body Processes.

Honestly? Living a balanced, happy, stress-free life is really fun. Yep, I know this sounds a bit can touching 32 points on your noggin actually relax your body and clear your mind? Great question. Science has proven that everything, including our bodies, is made of energy. (Thank you, Albert Einstein.) All I can offer you is this - when you figure out what works for you, your world can change if you choose it. And, here you are reading facilitator bios - you must curious - good! Stay curious, ask questions and if it feels light to book a session with me, please do. Not sure? Check out my personal website to see what I am all about.


Bevorstehende Kurse

Datum Veranstaltung Kursleiter Veranstalter Standort Medium
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

Keine Kurse vorhanden.

“Question everything (and the world is yours).”

- Euripides


Meine Kurse

How Different Are You Willing to Be? Intro

What would your life be like if you started to fit out rather than fit in?  A class based on Susanna Mittermaier's book, Pragmatic Psychology, Practical Tools for Being Crazy Happy

Access Bars-Kurs

Access Bars® sind der Kern und die Grundlage von Access Consciousness. Sie können der Beginn eines großartigen Abenteuers sein, etwas, das du deinem Leben zufügst und das dir hilft, mehr Leichtigkeit in allen Dingen zu kreieren. Die Bars® sind 32 spezifische Punkte am Kopf, die in Beziehung zu unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Aspekten des Lebens stehen. Wenn Du einen der Barspunkte berührst, ist diese Berührung ausreichend, um die Energie, die in diesem Bereich oder Aspekt deines Lebens eingeschlossen ist, freizusetzen.

Body Electric - Full Day Class

This is a full day class with both processes run, one after the other.