Eloise Ansell

Eloise Ansell

Hey welcome

I have always aimed to have fun in everything I do!

... and for a lot of my life, I discovered people didn't like that! Laughing is seen as a bad thing by some weirdos! Anyway, I love Access Consciousness as it encourages us to be us (why you would want to be someone else amazes me... too much like hard work!!) and everyone seems to giggle, a lot! :D

My background is pretty varied... I have worked in many different industries & fields. Most of my life I have been a geek (there were not many girl geeks when I started work) making use of my Maths & Computing Science degrees.

Life had other ideas and after training as a life coach I ended up on a journey into life as a therapist (long story!). I left my corporate job in 2008 and have loved my life teaching & working with clients ever since. I have been teaching people to structure their intuition for years & use mine daily in my work.

I became aware of Access Consciousness many years ago but the time wasn't right. It popped back into my intuitive radar in 2019 and I attended a couple of Bars classes, did a few swaps... and have noticed some deep changes. Shifting a few areas of my life which have been stuck for a while (even with my massive toolkit).

I am excited to offer this opportunity for deep change with others.

I have always wanted a magical life! What about you?

As well as Access since 2008 I have build a large worldwide client base for my intuitive healing sessions, who I work with remotely. So most of the time, if I am not in clinic running Bars, I am sat at home doing distance sessions for clients all around the World.


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{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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Eloise talks about Access Bars Classes

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead —his eyes are closed.”

- Albert Einstein
