Anca Cristina Pal

Anca Pal

I am Anca Cristina Pal - Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, Bars Facilitator, Body Process and Facelift Facilitator. Also a psychologist and psychotherapist.. I always knew something different is possible with this world. Since I was a little girl I liked to see people being happy - and I did my best to bring more joy around me. 

Eu sunt Anca Cristina Pal - Facilitator Certificat Access Consciousness, Access Bars, Procese de Corp si Facelift Energetic Access Consciousness. De asemenea, sunt psiholog si psihoterapeut..Mereu am stiu ca lumea aceasta poate fi diferita, ca altceva este posibil, dincolo de tristete, nervi, conflicte, razboaie, distrugere.. Iubesc sa vad oamenii fericiti si sa creez bucurie in jurul meu.


At a certain time in my life I realized how much we create our life from unconsciousness and I asked for something different - and so I have found Access Bars - for me it was the breakthrough of my life until then. After having my Bars run, I felt so much ease and joy - and joy is my natural state - so I felt like HOME.

So I continued with more classes - Foundation, Level 2/3 2015 in Dublin, 9 Trannies, 3 day Body Class (with Kacie Crisp, then Kass Thomas), ESB London 2015, SOP Stockholm 2015, COP in Paris 2016 with Gary Douglas, Certified Facilitators Training in Florence 2016, COP in Rome 2016 with Dr. Dain Heer... And 2017 has been beyound my wildest dreams! My life in the past 2 years became the life I only used to dream about until now: traveling to beautiful places, meeting wonderful people, creating, creating, creating... And what grand and glorious adventures are coming my way? I am a walking-talking exemple of how the Access tools can change someone's life if they CHOOSE it!

My greatest joy is to create a change in peoples' lives. And this appears with great ease when people are willing to receive. I love the way peoples' faces become more beautiful and relaxed after any facilitation, Bars class, Foundation class that I am facilitating - we become more beautiful as soon as we take off our limiting points of view and embrace the infinite possibilities of the Universe.

I love facilitating Bars, Foundation, Facelift & Body Process Classes, intro access classes on Money, Relationships, Body, Entities, Communication etc. - and I would love to share this amazing tools with the entire world.

I also love doing private sessions - facilitation, Symphony sessions, Bars & Body processes, the amazing Facelift- there is so much space and possibilities with this sessions and I am always amazed by the change they create.

Would you like to play with me? What contribution can I be to consciousness and the world?


La un anumit moment in viata mea mi-am dat seama cat de mult ne creem viata din inconstienta si am cerut sa pot sa fac ceva diferit - asa am descoperit Access Bars - si pentru mine aceasta a fost descoperirea vietii mele pana in acel moment. Dupa ce am primit o sesiune de Access Bars, am simtit atat de multa usurinta si BUCURIE - si bucuria este starea mea naturala de a fi - asa ca m-am simtit ACASA.

Am continuat cu si mai multe clase, si fiecare mi-a adus noi constientizari si contributie nemasurata in viata mea: Fundatia, Nivelul 2/3 Dublin 2015, 9 Trannies, 3 day Body Class (cu Kacie Crisp, apoi cu Kass Thomas), ESB Londra 2015, SOP Stockholm 2015, COP in Paris 2016 cu Gary Douglas, Trainingul Facilitatorilor Certificati in Florenta 2016, COP in Roma 2016 cu Dr. Dain Heer...Iar anul 2017 a fost pana acum asa cum nici in cele mai indraznete vise nu mi-as fi putut imagina candva! Sa calatoresti in locuri minunate, sa intalnesti oameni extraordinari, sa crezi, sa creezi, sa creezi... Sa fiu o contributie pentru ceilalti si pentru planeta.. Viata mea a devenit un exemplu despre cum instrumentele din Access Consciousness, atunci cand ALEGEM sa le folosim, ne schimba viata!Si ce aventuri marete si glorioase ma asteapta in continuare?

Bucuria mea cea mai mare este sa facilitez schimbarea in vietile oamenilor. Si asta se intampla foarte usor atunci cand ei sunt dispusi sa primeasca. Iubesc felul in care fetele oamenilor se transforma, se relaxeaza, se fac mai frumoase dupa fiecare sesiune de facilitare, clasele de Bars, sau Fundatie - toti devenim mai frumosi pe masura ca suntem dispusi sa renuntam la punctele de vedere fixe si limitative si sa imbratisam posibilitatile infinite pe care Universul ni le pune la dispozitie.

Iubesc sa facilitez clase de Bars, Fundatie, Facelift & Procese de Corp, clase Access introductive pe orice tema - Bani, Relatii, Corp, Entitati, Comunicare etc. - si imi doresc sa impartasesc aceste instrumente fenomenale cu intreaga lume.
Imi place mult sa facilitez si sesiuni private - sesiuni de Simfonii, sesiuni de facilitare Access, Bars si Procese de Corp - se creeaza atat de mult spatiu cu aceste sesiuni iar schimbarile ce apar in urma lor continua sa ma uimeasca.

Ce am putea crea impreuna? Ce contributie pot fi eu pentru constienta si pentru Univers?

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Fecha Evento Facilitador Anfitrión Ubicación Formato
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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