Dr. Stacey Nutile

Stacey Nutile

Hi amazing and beautiful beings!!! Welcome too the world of choice! I invite you to be who you truly Be with NO judgment.

What would it be like to live life with more Ease, and Joy, and Glory?

What would it be like to have less stress, no judgment, more awareness and be truly present in your life?

What else is possible?
What are the infinite possibilities beyond this reality?

I learned, at a very young age, to function from the box of this reality. I was taught, like most of us, to choose my life according to what everyone else decided was right or wrong. I chose according to how my life was “supposed” to look, how much money I should make, the right school, the right job, the right body, right diet, on and on…I tried living in the box for a very long time. I was even good at hiding and fitting in, but I always felt like there must be something more!

Finally, I discovered Access Consciousness® and the walls and limitations of this reality started to fall away! I started creating my life from choice and possibility. I was finally free to choose the life I knew was possible and I even had the tools to do it!

I have been working with bodies for several years and have tried many modalities; NOTHING has produced change and healing faster than Access!!

Increased clarity, sleep, calmness, inner peace, body awareness decreased physical pain, depression, sadness, anxiety, and frustration are just a few results both clients and myself have experienced. Oh, and more fun!!

Access gives you practical, easy, tools that can get you wherever you are going in life with greater ease, joy and glory.

"Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life-greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine.
What if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be? 
What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world?" Gary Douglas

What if this is the change you have been asking for??

Stacey is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, an Access Consciousness Bars® Facilitator and is the Owner of Life Force Physical Therapy & Healing. Stacey’s training also includes Level I certification from the Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy, certification as a CranioSacral Therapist and Reiki practitioner.  

Since earning her Doctorate degree in 2004 Stacey has been practicing Physical Therapy as well hands-on energy healing and body work. Stacey has practiced in a several different settings including women’s health, outpatient orthopedics, sports medicine, pediatrics, chronic pain, and home health care. 

Stacey continues to add various healing and manual therapy techniques to her practice to facilitate healing on a deeper level with ease for clients. Stacey teaches Access Bars®,  and continues to pursue further training to teach additional classes. Stacey also travels to Tortola and Bimini, as a facilitator, providing healing experiences for clients in the water with Dolphins. 

More about Stacey at: http://www.drstaceynutile.com


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“Consciousness is the ability to be present in your life in every moment without judgment of you or anyone else. It is the ability to receive everything, reject nothing, and create everything you desire in life-greater than what you currently have, and more than what you can imagine. What if you would open the doors to being everything you have decided it is not possible to be? What would it take for you to realize how crucial you are to the possibilities of the world?”

- Gary Douglas


Mis cursos

Clase de las Barras de Access

Las Barras de Access son el núcleo principal y la base de Access Consciousness. Pueden ser el punto de inicio de una gran aventura y pueden ser algo que añadas a tu vida que te ayudará a crear mayor facilidad con todo. Las Barras son 32 barras de energía que van a través y alrededor de la cabeza y que conectan diferentes aspectos de tu vida. Tocas una Barra y comienzas a limpiar la energía bloqueada en esa área o aspecto de tu vida, tan solo por tocarla.

El Fundamento

Esta clase elimina el fundamento de limitación desde el que has pensado que tienes que vivir, ¡como si no hubiera otra elección! Es facilitada por Facilitadores Certificados en todo el mundo y es una intensa exploración de cuatro días acerca de qué más es posible. ¡Con esta clase te darás cuenta del fundamento de consciencia que aún no has estado usando en tu vida!

El facelift de Access

El Facelift de Access es una manera maravillosa de rejuvenecer el rostro y revertir los signos de envejecimiento en la cara y en el cuerpo entero. El gentil y calmante toque aplicado en tu rostro y cuello trabaja con las células de tu cuerpo para restaurar, activar y rejuvenecer.