Huom! Jotkin sivut ovat saatavilla ainoastaan englanniksi.
The nearest airport to Opatija is Rijeka (RJK) Airport which is 40 km away.
Other nearby airports include Pula (PUY) (98 km), Trieste (TRS) (100 km)
Zagreb (ZAG) (184 km), and Venice (VCE) (215 km).
Rijeka Airport
The time and distance from the Rijeka Airport to the Hotel Kvarner is 37 minutes and 40.1 km.
Book a Taxi, Bus, Shuttle or Town Car
More information: Travel Guide to Opatija
The currency is Euro's €.
Convert currency at your bank, at the airport before you leave, or upon arrival.
Check current exchange rates at Xe Currency Exchange currency converter.
ATMs are widely available to withdraw cash. Credit cards are widely accepted.
*For ease of payment, please let your credit card companies know where and when you will be traveling.
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We will require the following information:
Passport name
Passport number
Phone number
Class dates
Approximate travel dates
Wondering what to pack and what the weather forecast is? We've got you covered!
The average temperature in June through August ranges between the mid-70s Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius) and high-80s Fahrenheit (35+ Celsius), but there can still be rainy days. A Croatia Summer trip is hot - choose light fabrics.
Hotel Kvarner
Ul. Pava Tomašića 2,
Opatija, HR
+385 51 710 444
Opatija is a Croatian coastal town on the Adriatic Sea. A fashionable resort in the 19th century, it's dotted with Habsburg-era villas.
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