Dain Heer

Dain Heer

Dr. Dain Heer is an internationally renowned author, speaker and facilitator of consciousness and change. For over 20 years now, Dain has been inviting people to embrace their true greatness—people from every culture, country, age and social strata of society.

Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognise their own abilities and knowing.

He is best known for his powerful energetic transformation process, called The Energetic Synthesis of Being and for being the co-creator of Access Consciousness. Reaching far beyond what people say with words, Dain looks at the energy of what is being presented and is able to invite change at the core of each being he comes across. He invites people to truly live—to live without apology, with total presence, no longer needing to hide their differences and unique capacities from the world.

What if it is our differences embraced rather than judged and made wrong, that will bring about a greater world? 


In his talks and workshops, his unique way of facilitating provides step by step energetic processes to get people out of the answers, conclusions and judgments that are keeping them stuck in a cycle of no choice and no change – leading them into the moments of awe that have the power to change anything. 

For Dr. Dain, judgment is the biggest killer on the planet, especially the judgment of ourselves. Based on his own life experience, he asks:

What if we could get out of the wrongness of ourselves and see every wrongness, the places where judge ourselves the most, as a strongness? What would be possible then?

Every year, Dain receives thousands of emails from readers who say that his most recent book, Being You Changing the World, inspired them to live. Somehow he is able to lead people out of their self-criticism and innate feeling of never being enough into a sense of question and wonder and gratitude for being alive. Dain comes from a broken family, growing up with his mother in a ghetto area of Los Angeles. During these years, he was exposed to mental, physical, emotional, sexual and monetary abuse. Everything he chose and wanted was taken from him. Very early on, he learned that he didn’t own anything.

Yet, Dain never chose to be a victim. Instead he discovered the power of total allowance, courage, and resilience. He learned to transform life’s challenges into a gift of strength, awareness and continuous questions. Along the way, what came forward in him was a true kindness of being, and a phenomenal knowing that has made him an agent of change rarely seen in this world. Today he is acknowledged worldwide for his unique perspectives on consciousness and personal transformation, that are unlike anything else out there.

Dain is a Doctor of Chiropractic, born and raised in California, USA. He hosts a regular radio show entitled Conversations in Consciousness on Voice of America and has been a guest on hundreds of nationally syndicated radio shows.  When Dr. Dain Heer isn’t facilitating classes or speaking at events around the world, he’s busy appearing in various media outlets sharing practical tools that offer greater possibilities and new choices for living. He hosts a regular radio show with Gary Douglas, the Founder of Access Consciousness, entitled Conversations in Consciousness. It’s a show that will literally turn your reality upside down with conversations that will introduce a totally new perspective of what is truly possible.

He also appears regularly on the Dr. Pat Show, Voice of America and is a regular guest on internationally syndicated radio shows.  He’s been featured on the cover of Insight and Om Times Magazines and has appeared on numerous TV shows including the Good Morning show in New Zealand, The Circle and Morning Show – Australia, Fox News, Morning Show, Toronto, Breakfast Television Vancouver, Great Day Houston and numerous shows on Gaiam TV.

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Geen klassen weer te geven.

If you have the choice between knowing and thinking, which is faster? Knowing or thinking? Knowing, actually. Thinking is a linear construct of your mind. Knowing is instantaneous! The only time difficulties arise is when you go against your knowing. What if when you are being you, when you follow your knowing, the walls to limitation just…dissolve? Here is a video from me about when I discovered that being you is what changes everything.

“What if you, being you, are the gift, the change and the possibility this world requires?”

- Dr. Dain Heer

Mijn klassen

Cursus - Jij zijn en de wereld veranderen

De cursus 'Jij zijn en de wereld veranderen' is ontworpen om je van een leven op de automatische piloot naar een leven dat je ten volle leeft te brengen!

Energetic Synthesis of Being Class

Deze 3-daagse class neemt je dieper mee in het wonderbaarlijke avontuur van dr. Dain Heer's Energetic Synthesis of Being Class (ESB). De ESB is een unieke manier om beperkingen te transformeren naar mogelijkheden en heling voor jou, de wereld en de planeet.


Ben je je ervan bewust dat je vermogens met energieën uniek zijn? Deze class is echt de creatieve voorhoede van Access Consciousness. Tijdens deze 4-daagse advanced training met Dr. Dain Heer, zul je van heel dichtbij gewaarworden van energieën en leren hoe je ze echt kunt gebruiken om je leven en een totaal andere realiteit te creëren!