Mutant Choose it or Lose it



Facilitated by Gary Douglas, Dain Heer, Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt.

Are you looking for a description?

Well, some of the special Access Consciousness® classes actually don’t have a description. The title is all that is required to spark your knowing. You know if this class is for you, description or not.

Follow your knowing.


Choice of Possibilities within 18 months of this class. 


Choice of Possibilities taken with Gary Douglas, Dain Heer, Simone Milasas or Brendon Watt at any time + any Advanced class with Gary Douglas and/or Dr. Dain Heer within 12 months of the start of class.


Country pricing and Age pricing applies.
Your individual and applied pricing can be seen under Billing & Payments after registering.

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Results: ( {{totalCount}} Results Found )

Location Medium
Date {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitator{{event.eventFacilitator}}
Location {{event.eventCity}}, {{event.eventState}}, {{event.eventCountry}}