Robert Williams

Robert Williams

Are you looking for that something else to show up, that something greater that makes your world sparkle but not sure what that is?

Have you always known that something greater was truly possible and that the impossible was in fact possible?

That was me before Access Consciousness showed up in my life. It took me to break down and give up on life to have that something more to show up and thats when i knew it was time to make a change or stay the same. I was sure my life wasnt worth living anymore but it was just the beginning of a life change, I just didnt realise how this was gonna work and if at all. I took the leap and trusted and this is when Access Consciousness leaped out and embraced and nurtured me and I embraced Access Consciousness, as its call was strong and was all i had left, the final tool I hadnt yet fully used. I took this as an invitation to something greater and gave it a chance and chose it and surrendered, as all other avenues of self help wasnt working!

 With this choice, Access gifted me more choice and ease that I thought wasnt even possible, less trauma, less depression if anything is left at all and how to facilitate myself out of limitation, along with a growing successful business and truly amazing friends and social groups and best of all, a new beginning I didnt realize even existed. That something that seemed to be missing to make the change happen was unbelievably ME, I was looking for ME and for me to show up!

Who am I?

I'm still finding that out; Access Consciousness has gifted me a world of possibilities with dynamic tools and body processes applied to my life that keeps changing my life in ways far greater than I could of imagined. I am finding more of who I am day by day, as I take this journey of self discovery and change with the magical tools of Access.

Life is now like a, choose my own reality, adventures and journey!

Would you like something greater to show up in your life?

Contact me or other magical Access Consciousness facilitators, as I invite you to a new possibility with an entirely different tool box that empowers and generates ease, joy and glory in areas of life that are not working for you anymore in any area of your life! Its your choice my friend and hope to meet and create with you some day soon!



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دورة مسارات الوصول للوعي Access Bars

إن مسارات الوصول للوعي Access Bars هي جوهر آكسس كونشيسنس Access Cnosciousness اساسها. لقد قامت بمساعدة آلاف الأشخاص على تغيير العديد من جوانب أجسامهم وحياتهم بما في ذلك النوم والصحة والوزن والمال والجنس والعلاقات والقلق والإجهاد وأكثر من ذلك. يمكنك منح نفسك وعملائك وأصدقائك وأسرتك وزملاء العمل الرعاية واللطف والعناية التي ترغب بها بيسر تام من خلال تعلمك هذه التقنية أو تلقيها.

Access Bars Free Clinic for Mental Health Awareness

During the month of September, in honor of World Suicide Awareness Month, facilitators and practitioners of Access Bars® will be hosting events all around the world and opening their doors for anyone looking for a different possibility, or a spark of hope, to come and receive a complimentary Access Bars session. 

4 Tools to Find Your Happy

Are you stuck in a place in your life where happiness seems impossible? Or maybe you would just like a little more joy to show up?

Welcome to this Access Consciousness introductory class with 4 easy tools to create happiness as your daily reality!

Access Bars in the Park

You are invited to this event to experience an Access Bars session in the beauty of the outdoors! Every session is different. What is most often reported is that there is a sense of complete relaxation, a more peaceful mind, and increased energy and creativity.