Choice for Possibilities

The Choice for Possibilities classes are facilitated by the co-creators of Access Consciousness Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer, as well as advanced facilitators Simone Milasas, Grace Douglas and Kalpana Raghuraman.

What if your life doesn’t have to be about limitation or re-creating the same old thing anymore?

What would you choose?

Naše videa mají titulky v několika jazycích. Chcete-li je aktivovat, spusťte video a vyberte nastavení v pravém dolním rohu.

Choice is the beginning of all creation.

Every time you choose, something shows up in your life because of your choice.

There is no right or wrong choice. There is just choice.

What is it you´d really like to have as your life?

This class is about what you wish to actualize. It is recognizing what you would like and making choices for getting that.

Naše videa mají titulky v několika jazycích. Chcete-li je aktivovat, spusťte video a vyberte nastavení v pravém dolním rohu.

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Date {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitator{{event.eventFacilitator}}
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