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Finde heraus, was die Leben von zehntausenden Menschen in über 170 Ländern weltweit verändert.
Explore what the 3 key tools of Access are and how you can use them to start creating the change you desire.
Receive tips of what you can choose to get started. You know what will work for you!
Read news articles, watch videos, listen to pods and radio shows – you can find Access Consciousness in many media channels!
There are thousands of Access Consciousness events and classes offered weekly around the world. You can search for a class by topic, facilitator, language or location in our class calendar.
Gary Douglas travels extensively facilitating advanced Access Consciousness classes as well as a range of evening and several day workshops on specific topics from choice and possibilities to money, benevolent capitalism, relationships and more.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is best known for his transformation process The Energetic Synthesis of Being as well as the Being You, Changing the World events.
Simone Milasas travels extensively facilitating advanced Access Consciousness classes as well as a range of evening and several day workshops on specific topics from choice and possibilities to Relationship Done Different, Business Done Different, Getting Out of Debt Joyfully and more.
The Access Bars are the very core and foundation of Access Consciousness. It can be the starting point of a great adventure and it can be something you add to your life that will assist you in creating a greater ease with everything.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is well known for his Being You, Changing the World events, based on his bestselling Being You, Changing the World book.
Dr. Dain Heer offers classes on a wide array of topics through out the world and is best known for his transformation process The Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB).
The Access Special Classes are branches of Access Consciousness where you can dive deeper into particular topics with specialized facilitators. Each program offer introductory classes, advanced classes and certification facilitator training.
Access Consciousness have many ways of engaging with the tools worldwide via expos, meet ups, radio shows, tele summits, google hangouts and more.
Are you looking for more change? Use our search function to find a facilitator near you.
Find an article on almost any topic you could think of! Where would you like your adventure to begin?
Kemungkinan apa lagi yang mungkin kita bisa dapatkan?
Sebagai Certified Facilitator dan TTTE Certified Facilitator saya berharap dapat berkontribusi memberdayakan anda untuk mengenali potensi diri anda sendiri, mengetahui apa yang benar untuk dirimu, baik utk dirimu dan memfasilitasi anda untuk menciptakan kehidupan yang sangat anda dambakan.
Bagaimana bila hidup anda bisa menjadi lebih percaya diri, dan begitu menarik tentang dirimu sendiri , tanpa batas limitasi yg selama ini anda pikir adalah sebuah kenyataan?
Saya dengan senang hati bersyukur dapat mengenal dan memfasilitasi anda dan menjadi saksi perubahan hidup anda menjadi lebih baik lebih indah dan riang ceria.
Saya sangat bersyukur dan senang saya sudah membuat pilihan untuk mengenal access, memperdalam tools access, melatih dan menjadi tools itu sendiri, mengalami pengalaman mengunakan dan berkarya dengan tools access dan membagikan pengetahuan dari pengalaman anda ini kepada dunia. apa yg bisa lebih baik lagi dari hal ini?
Saya sangat senang dan bahagia bila dapat memfasilitasi anda dalam mengenal access , berlatih bersama dan memfasilitasi anda mengenal potensi dan abilities anda sendiri. Dengan senang hati saya mengundang anda untuk mengikuti kelas kelas saya dan belajar mengenal potensi anda sendiri.
Salam hangat,
Dr. David Budi Wartono
dari mana perjalanan ini di mulai?
semua di mulai dari kelas access bars. km bisa menyaksikan video video nya di youtube: hidup ceriaku
semua pengetahuan dan tools access di jelaskan di kelas lanjutan nya yaitu kelas The foundation dan COP
setelah itu anda bisa melanjutkan ke spesialities misal talk to the entities bila banyak suara suara di kesadaranmu yg selama ini kamu tidak sadari adalah potensi mu.
jadi, kapan lagi kamu memulai perjalanan ini? sekarang saat nya untuk membuat pilihan dan melangkah
Being You Certified Facilitator (BYCF)
Talk To The Entities Intermediate Facilitator (TTTE ICF)
Access Bars Facilitator (BF)
Access Bars Practitioner (BP)
Access Body Process Facilitator (BPF)
Access Certified Facilitator (CF)
Talk To The Entities Beginner Facilitator (TTTE CF)
Lineation Centre Leumah Neundeut no 10 Sarijadi Bandung - Jawa Barat Indonesia
Indonesia, Indonesia
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“All of life come to me with total ease joy and glory.”
- Gary M DouglasAccess Bars® sind der Kern und die Grundlage von Access Consciousness. Sie können der Beginn eines großartigen Abenteuers sein, etwas, das du deinem Leben zufügst und das dir hilft, mehr Leichtigkeit in allen Dingen zu kreieren. Die Bars® sind 32 spezifische Punkte am Kopf, die in Beziehung zu unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Aspekten des Lebens stehen. Wenn Du einen der Barspunkte berührst, ist diese Berührung ausreichend, um die Energie, die in diesem Bereich oder Aspekt deines Lebens eingeschlossen ist, freizusetzen.
Der Access Facelift kann auch eine großartige Bereicherung für jedes Business sein, in dem mit Klienten und ihren Körpern gearbeitet wird – Schönheit, Wellness, Massagen und mehr. Vergrößere deine Kundschaft und dein Angebots-Spektrum.
Dieser Kurs hebt das Fundament der Begrenzung auf, von dem aus du gedacht hast, leben zu müssen, als hättest du keine andere Wahl! Er wird weltweit von zertifizierten Access-Consciousness-Facilitatoren facilitiert und ist eine 4-tägige intensive Erforschung dessen, was sonst noch möglich ist. Der Kurs kreiert Gewahrsein für die Grundlage von Gewahrsein, das du bisher noch nicht in deinem Leben benutzt hast!
What if you could wake up every day with a wild enthusiasm for being alive? Are you always asking for more and looking for that “something” we all know is possible? What if that “something” is YOU? What if you, truly being you, are all it takes to change everything – your life, everyone around you and the world?
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