Emily Russell

Emily Russell

All my life, I knew that I was capable of more.

I always had a feeling that life was meant to be fun, and that I could have a greater life - I just couldn’t figure out the “how”. I thought that I was the problem, and that I needed to change in order to have a happier, easier life.

I thought statements like “you won’t have friends once you become a Mom” and “you can’t have a job that lets you travel while raising children” had to be true for me, so I tried to “fit in” and be content with what I had.

Then, after experiencing postpartum depression following the birth of my second child, I discovered a little thing called Access Bars.
Suddenly, I felt like the blinders had been taken off and I could see that something else was possible. I didn’t even know what “it” was...I just knew that I had to follow the energy of it, because things could only get better!

That was the beginning of my journey to becoming an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator. 

Now, I assist people around the world stop trying to fit themselves into a box and start following the energy they’ve been looking for in their own life, in order to create possibilities beyond what they’ve ever imagined.

I empower people to know that happiness and greatness are possible, and that you can have more of those things you’ve been wanting (money, travel, relationship and more) without “hard work” - in fact, you can have this easily and joyfully!

With an undergrad degree in Biology, a Masters of Art in Teaching, and a Yoga Teacher Certification , I bring over 15 years of experience studying, teaching and working with people and their bodies to create more ease and possibility in their lives.

As part of the Access Consciousness Marketing and Communications Team, I help spread the tools of Access around the world.

I offer private sessions online or in person, and classes both online and locally in Chattanooga, TN, where I live with my two amazing daughters.







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Here's a little known secret...by asking for less specific things, by 'undefining' your ask, more magic, and the life you are asking for can actually show up. So many of us get hung up on thinking we have to figure it all out, plan out what we want, make that vision board of the perfect house, or job or relationship. And ultimately that limits what can show up. Cuz your mind is funny. And tricky. It's designed to process and calculate. But the big dreams and the big asks, come from somewhere beyond the logical. And beyond the practical. They actually come from perceiving an energy, many energies, (what some of us first notice as feelings or sensations) and asking and going for that. And sometimes in those asks for greater, you may fail. Or fall short. But if you keep following the energy of what you know is possible, a different world shows up. Meaning your daily life can look completely different than right now. And more congruent with you - with what you truly desire. What else would you like to ask for? And how can you undefine that ask and follow the energy? And what if it were easy? Way. Too. Easy. ---------------------------------------------- Find Emily on Instagram @emilyevansrussell

“If you don’t choose your difference, the world will never have access to it. That would suck! Let’s PLAY with the question - how different are you willing to be?”

- Emily Evans Russell


Meine Kurse

Being You - Das Intro-Abenteuer

Willkommen zu diesem Introkurs, der sowohl auf Dr. Dain Heers Buch und den Kursen Sei du selbst und verändere die Welt als auch auf der großartigen Werkzeugbox von Access Consciousness basiert.

Diese können dir eine energetische Erfahrung des Seins vermitteln, die du nirgendwo sonst finden wirst.

Access Bars-Kurs

Access Bars® sind der Kern und die Grundlage von Access Consciousness. Sie können der Beginn eines großartigen Abenteuers sein, etwas, das du deinem Leben zufügst und das dir hilft, mehr Leichtigkeit in allen Dingen zu kreieren. Die Bars® sind 32 spezifische Punkte am Kopf, die in Beziehung zu unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Aspekten des Lebens stehen. Wenn Du einen der Barspunkte berührst, ist diese Berührung ausreichend, um die Energie, die in diesem Bereich oder Aspekt deines Lebens eingeschlossen ist, freizusetzen.