H Lynn Clifford, LMHC

H Lynn Clifford

Hello Beautiful Being. Are you ready to relax and receive today? Access Consciousness® has opened up my internal and external world to so much more space and possibility. I'm a life-long seeker, an X-man / highly aware, a third generation equestrian, and also a life coach and licensed counselor. My current playful question is "What would it take for my allowance to be even greater than my awareness?"

The Access Bars® modality, Access Body Processes and Access Energetic Facelift are such powerful tools of transformation via relaxation, receiving and clearing that which no longer serves so you can become even more of who you already know you are. Wow, how does it get any better than that?

The Access Bars® are 32 points held lightly on the head and help your mind relax, rewire and get out of the way of possibility in such a graceful way.

How would it be to open up conversation and communion with your body that allows it's kindness and wisdom to come through? Your body would love to guide and contribute to you and Access Body Processes sessions support you and your body in allowing this to happen. 

The Access Energetic Facelift is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse signs of aging as well as throughout the whole body. Soften the "mask" you present to the world, release judgements and look younger while you're at it! The gentle soothing touch applied to your face and neck works with your body’s cells to restore, enliven and rejuvenate.

If you're new to receiving a treatment, there is no right or wrong way. If you are familiar with receiving treatments, well, I invite you to come and enjoy! A la carte or package discounts and/or try a sample package and receive one of each. 

We can meet in my office or in nature. I'm also available at your location in Santa Fe and surrounds as well as to travel out of state by arrangement. Ask where I'll be and/or am willing to come! Reach out to schedule your private one-on-one session or just to discover if this is what you're looking for via lynn@lynnclifford.com or 505-231-5353 call/text. I look forward to connecting.

If you would like to get your Bars run I highly recommend Lynn. ~Marilyn Bradford

I received my Bars Session in the beautiful Fall colors of Santa Fe New Mexico. Lynn has a conscious  touch that helped me receive on a very deep level. I am left with a knowing my Soul and Body were touched deeply. I would highly recommend her and can’t wait for another session. ~Timmi

 My Bars Session was relaxing and enlighting in a way that activated and cleared memories, thoughts and feelings from the past. I left with greater perspective and clarity. ~Clayton

All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory®...the Access mantra

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“There is nothing wrong with you.”

- Access Consciousness


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Access Bars-Gifting-&-Receiving

Access Bars® zu schenken und zu empfangen, ist ein unglaublich nährender und freundlicher Prozess für dich und deinen Körper. Du beginnst, die Türen zum Einssein zu öffnen - wo alles ohne Bewertung existiert. Beim Bars-Gifting-&-Receiving kannst du die Bars mit anderen Practicionern aus deiner Umgebung austauschen. Es ist eine großartige Möglichkeit, deine Bars regelmäßig laufen zu lassen!

Access Bars - kostenlose Sprechstunde für Bewusstsein bezüglich psychische Gesundheit

Im Laufe des Monats September veranstalten Access Bars®-Facilitatoren und -Practitioner überall auf der Welt Events zu Ehren des Welt-Suizid-Präventions-Monats. Sie öffenen ihre Türen für alle, die eine andere Möglichkeit oder einen Funken Hoffnung suchen und bieten kostenlose Access Bars-Sitzungen an.

Access Bars im Park

Du bist zu dieser Veranstaltung eingeladen, um eine Access Bars Sitzung in der Schönheit der Natur zu erleben! Jede Sitzung ist anders. Am häufigsten wird von einem Gefühl der totalen Entspannung, einem friedlicheren Geist und von einer Steigerung der Energie und Kreativität berichtet.