Lorraine Frongillo

Lorraine Frongillo

Hello ~ I am truly grateful you are here!!  I began my adventure using the tools of Access Consciousness® over twelve years ago and 'literally' everything in my entire life, business, body & relationships changed, including the things I thought were not possible, like the panic & anxiety I endured all of my life.....that changed too!!  :)  Imagine what the world would be like if we all chose to create a life of Consciousness & Communion, where kindness, caring, generosity of spirit, joy, laughter & fun becomes the "norm" on this phenomenal planet?  How much joy could you & your body truly embody?!?  If this is ringing your chime & creates a sense of "lightness", perhaps NOW is the space to choose to be and do something different...it's just a choice away!

'Lorraine Frongillo is an Access Consciousness Facilitator®, Bars Facilitator®, Energetic Facelift Facilitator®, Body Process Facilitator®, Abuse Hold Practitioner® & Happy Mouth Practitioner®, and also is the creator of the Access Consciousness Specialty Classes, "Molecular Communion with Gold" & "Harbinger of Possibilities"!!  She is also a Licensed Massage Therapist & Consious Living Consultant, with nearly 30 years experience working with amazing people & their bodies all over the world, 'Facilitating the Joy of Embodiment.'  For more information on classes & sessions, including Symphony of Possibilties Sessions & Talk To The Entities® Sessions & "Peace Beyond Bereavment Sessions", visit: www.lorrainefrongillo.com

Please feel free to contact me for Access Consciousness Classes & Private Sessions, if you are interested in having more ease & accessing your unique gifts, talents, abilities & capacities; I truly look forward to meeting You in person, or virtually, worldwide, over ZOOM, my beautiful friends!

LET'S CREATE A PHENOMENAL PLANET TOGETHER!!!  A Planet where everyone tugs into existence, "All of Life Comes to Us with Ease, Joy & Glory!®"

With Infinite Gratitude,






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Access Bars-Kurs

Access Bars® sind der Kern und die Grundlage von Access Consciousness. Sie können der Beginn eines großartigen Abenteuers sein, etwas, das du deinem Leben zufügst und das dir hilft, mehr Leichtigkeit in allen Dingen zu kreieren. Die Bars® sind 32 spezifische Punkte am Kopf, die in Beziehung zu unterschiedlichen Bereichen und Aspekten des Lebens stehen. Wenn Du einen der Barspunkte berührst, ist diese Berührung ausreichend, um die Energie, die in diesem Bereich oder Aspekt deines Lebens eingeschlossen ist, freizusetzen.