Paul Kearney

Paul Kearney

Paul Kearney is a Business and Wellness Coach, a qualified Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation teacher, and an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, who travels the world facilitating change in the business sector and with private clients.

With a background in International Sales and Project Management, Paul’s personal experience with depression led to a deep exploration of various Wellbeing practices and heavily influences his work choices today.

Paul is a Certified facilitator and is an advanced Joy of business facilitator. 

A creator, mover and innovator of the highest calibre, Paul is blazing a new and unique trail in the provision of Personal Facilitation and Corporate Coaching through the courses and sessions he runs globally, both in person and virtually.

Paul is an avid horse lover and a dedicated sports enthusiast and he balances these passions with creating a world changing impact through his various business interests.
In his role as an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, Paul takes great pleasure in travelling the world, empowering people to know that they know and to trust themselves to create a life they love.

Bevorstehende Kurse

Datum Veranstaltung Kursleiter Veranstalter Standort Medium
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
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Meine Kurse

Der Foundation-Kurs

Dieser Kurs hebt das Fundament der Begrenzung auf, von dem aus du gedacht hast, leben zu müssen, als hättest du keine andere Wahl! Er wird weltweit von zertifizierten Access-Consciousness-Facilitatoren facilitiert und ist eine 4-tägige intensive Erforschung dessen, was sonst noch möglich ist. Der Kurs kreiert Gewahrsein für die Grundlage von Gewahrsein, das du bisher noch nicht in deinem Leben benutzt hast!

Business ganz anders mit einem fortgeschrittenen JCF

Dieser Kurs ist wie kein anderer Businesskurs, den du besuchen kannst. Er ist anders. Er wird dich ermächtigen, über Business, Geld und Kreation zu wissen, was du weißt. Was weißt du?

Creating Your Life Beyond Stress

Welcome to a one day Joy of Business class! A day of empowerment, of creating a new future - a future where you are not impacted by stress as you were before.

Energy Pulls - The Series

Welcome to an energy pull series, with an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, designed to actualize the things you desire and are asking for!

Getting Out Of Debt Joyfully Book Club

Take deep dive into the book topic with facilitation by a Joy of Business Certified Facilitator (JCF) using the tools, questions and clearings of Access Consciousness. This is not your everyday book club!