Bret Rushia

Bret Rushia

What if nothing were impossible to change?

10 years ago, Bret Rockmore had a BIG problem. 

He had flunked out of his final semester of college, moved back in with his parents and his health was declining. He had developed chemical and electro-magnetic sensitivities, and every doctor he went to told him “There’s nothing that can be done to change this. You’re just going to have to learn to live with it.”

A year went by, and after trying to cope, Bret was on oxygen for 2 hours a day, and had to wear a mask any time he left his room (way before the recent pandemic). At his lowest moment, he decided that he would either find a way to change this or he was going to kill himself.

Luckily enough, the change arrived quickly. He discovered from a few sessions with an energy practitioner that he could change anything in his life. He took that information and got to work on changing the energetics of his health situation.

It was then, that Bret was introduced to Access Consciousness. He started using the tools of Access, “Getting his Bars run”, and attended as many classes as he could, and within the next year totally got rid of all of the chemical and electro-magnetic sensitivities he had been suffering. Something that he was told time and time again couldn’t be changed had disappeared.

Bret now is a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, and facilitates classes and private sessions using the Access tools.

What is it that you’ve always known you should be able to change, but haven’t yet been able to?

“Access Consciousness gives you the tools to live more consciously in every moment of your life. Oh yeah, and they’re fun to use too! 

Everything in Access is designed to empower you to expand your life, expand your joy, and expand the possibilities you have to choose from. There is no end to what you can apply these tools to. The more I’ve used them in my life, the less I’ve been at the effect of people and things outside of me.” -Bret Rockmore

"If you know Bret, you know that he has the ability to be present with you in way that melts your walls and barriers. That presence that he BEs, the no judgment world that he lives in, is an invitation like no other. Bret lives and breathes the space of communion and he welcomes everyone he meets into that space. Entertwined with all of that kindness and gentleness is a potency and a strength, a willingness and a courage to look at ANYTHING and change it." - Marnie Barranco

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How The Bars™ helped change my money situation

“When you are willing to perceive the gift of every choice you make, there is nothing and no one who can stop you.”

- Bret Rockmore


Mis cursos

Clase de las Barras de Access

Las Barras de Access son el núcleo principal y la base de Access Consciousness. Pueden ser el punto de inicio de una gran aventura y pueden ser algo que añadas a tu vida que te ayudará a crear mayor facilidad con todo. Las Barras son 32 barras de energía que van a través y alrededor de la cabeza y que conectan diferentes aspectos de tu vida. Tocas una Barra y comienzas a limpiar la energía bloqueada en esa área o aspecto de tu vida, tan solo por tocarla.

El Fundamento

Esta clase elimina el fundamento de limitación desde el que has pensado que tienes que vivir, ¡como si no hubiera otra elección! Es facilitada por Facilitadores Certificados en todo el mundo y es una intensa exploración de cuatro días acerca de qué más es posible. ¡Con esta clase te darás cuenta del fundamento de consciencia que aún no has estado usando en tu vida!

Siendo tú: la aventura de introducción

Bienvenido a esta clase de introducción que se basa en el libro y las clases del Dr. Dain Heer Siendo tú, cambiando el mundo, y también en la asombrosa caja de herramientas de Access Consciousness.

Estas pueden brindarte una experiencia energética de ser que no encontrarás en ningún otro lugar.