What is it you've been looking for that you've never been able to find?
Hi, my name is Megan Hill, and I have been using these tools to navigate my life in a totally different way for the last 15 years. By now you may have realized that Access Consciousness has a vast array of possibilities from which you can choose.
What can I contribute to you?
About Me:
When I found these amazing tools, I was 27 years old and I had been diagnosed with "anxiety and depression". At the time, the only thing any doctor could tell me was that my brain was different and that I would never be able to function without medication. After several years testing different cockails of medications - some to get up, some to get down, some to just be comfortably numb enough to perform in my career -- I decided to look for something different. I just knew there had to be something else possible. Within that same month, I heard the tool "Who does it belong to?" (go here) and within the same conversation I learned about Access Bars, a simple technique to quiet the mind and change the electromagnetic charge of those silly thoughts, feelings and emotions.
After my first Bars session, I expeirenced a level of peace I hadn't felt in a very long time.
I took a sneak peek at the Bars Manual and in the first few sentences, I knew I found something different. It was everything I had known - but had never found anything that had put words to it.
Since then, I've been on this wild ride for over 10 years. I started with using the tools to change my life and now continue to use the tools change every day. Now, I also enjoy empowering others to find peace and possiblity in their lives.
Please know that no matter what class you take, or what facilitator you choose along the way ... it's the right way for you. There is no right or wrong way to be you. It's always just choice. Your choice. And, you always know what is true for you. Always.
I have been a certified facilitator with Access Consciousness for 10 years.
I have also had the honor and pure pleasure of working for Access Consciousness for the past 9 years.
If you'd like to book a session or find a class with me, please click on the link in my bio.
Let's explore what else is possible together?
As someone who is very new to the processes of access consciousness, but very aware of the energy of my realities, I was completely blown away (in the most positive sense) by the gifts of Megan Hill. I have done several verbal processing sessions, as well as one hands on body process session, with Megan. Her ability to hon in on an issue, ask just the right question and move that energy ""never to return again"" is nothing short of phenomenal. I have worked multidimensionally with my own clients for the last 15 year and have personally had every type of energy work know to me, but none has compared to the amount of change available through sessions with Megan Hill. Beyond access consciousness, I believe that Megan was born to create real change in human consciousness. Access Consciousness is her tool and she uses it beautifully for all who are open to real change in their lives. Make your appointment. You won't be disappointed!
~Suzy Miller, Author & Creator of ""Awesomism"" (PHOENIX, AZ & LOS ANGELES, CA)
""I recently completed a BARS class with Megan and I know I have gained extremely valuable life tools that will help accelerate the progression on my life path. Megan helped all of the students in our class open our minds to the endless possibilities that life has to offer. She clearly has a wealth of knowledge and she exudes passion about sharing her knowledge with others. She teaches in a way that speaks to each individual in the class, and includes hand on practice so that you can walk away feeling confident about using the techniques. I loved how Megan gave examples of how she has used Access tools in her personal life. Her examples show how quickly positive results can occur from using Access. During the class Megan felt drawn to work on my feet. It was interesting that her intuition brought her there because I have been on holistic pills for restless leg syndrome for years, and in the 2 weeks since the class I have had no trouble with my legs, and I have not taken any pills! The possibilities truly are endless…""
-Ashley (Chicago, IL)
Thank you so much for the Bars class with you a short time ago. I loved it. Everything about
the experience was wonderful. The hospitality offered to Diane and me sparkled. The experience
of running the Bars came so easily with your leading and instruction.... no pressure. Part of the 'Ease, Joy, and Glory..."" shining through your teaching atmosphere and attitude. Thank you for that. I certainly appreciate it. You are a wonderful being and teacher.
-Michael (Chicago, IL)
I wanted to tell you how excited I am by your class. It is awesome. I just broke through a weight barrier that I have been trying to get below for 6 months. I would get close then gain 2 lbs. Then I would get close and then gain. Over and over. But I just busted through it. How does it get any better than this??????
Pattie (Prairie Village, KS)
Over the last 30 years both Linda and I have experienced virtually every body therapy modality available on earth. We can both honestly tell you that our BARS Session helped facilitate a most dramatic, positive and lasting shift in our sense of well being, far exceeding any other modality that we have tried! We are both so thoroughly impressed with this therapy that we are both going to be trained and will be offering it to our clients, family and friends!
D & L (Kansas City, MO)
I can honestly tell you that our BARS class was everything I thought it would be plus a whole lot more!.....although I love giving and receiving BARS, the workbook, after many reads, is almost worth the price of the class!Thank you for hanging in there with us, for your patience and for your willingness to share your wisdom with us.....
Dave (Kansas City, MO)
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“When you make a demand, have a desire, from a question...all you have to do is choose. You don’t have to know how it’s going to show up. The universe’s job is the how.”
- Dr. Dain HeerLas Barras de Access son el núcleo principal y la base de Access Consciousness. Pueden ser el punto de inicio de una gran aventura y pueden ser algo que añadas a tu vida que te ayudará a crear mayor facilidad con todo. Las Barras son 32 barras de energía que van a través y alrededor de la cabeza y que conectan diferentes aspectos de tu vida. Tocas una Barra y comienzas a limpiar la energía bloqueada en esa área o aspecto de tu vida, tan solo por tocarla.
Esta clase elimina el fundamento de limitación desde el que has pensado que tienes que vivir, ¡como si no hubiera otra elección! Es facilitada por Facilitadores Certificados en todo el mundo y es una intensa exploración de cuatro días acerca de qué más es posible. ¡Con esta clase te darás cuenta del fundamento de consciencia que aún no has estado usando en tu vida!
Bienvenido a esta clase de un día que se basa en el libro y las clases de Dain Heer 'Siendo tú, cambiando el mundo', en la que usamos la caja de herramientas de Access Consciousness.
Estas clases se facilitan en todo el mundo y pueden brindarte una experiencia energética de ser que no encontrarás en ningún otro lugar...
Have you ever judged yourself as a parent? Have you ever judged your kids for not doing things the way you want them to? Something else is possible. Join a 1 Day CPCK class and find a way to parent in a way that works for you, empowers you AND empowers your kids.
Marketing, it's way easier and can be way more fun than you think!
What are you capable of being, that you're not using to your advantage?
A 4-part Zoom with Megan Hill - for you and your business