Right Voice For You Facilitator Training


Are you interested in facilitating others to find their voice in the world? To truly create? To have an ease and joy of expressing themselves?

What if you added the empowering tools of Right Voice For You to your life or business? 

Join Christopher Hughes for a very special 3-Day Right Voice For You Facilitator Training. 

In this course you will:

  • Learn to unlock the stuck energies in people's voices and bodies
  • Step into more ease and presence on stage
  • Unravel the limitations that keep you from showing up
  • Q&A about facilitation and how you create a truly empowering space for people

While you do need to be an Access Certified Facilitator, you do not have to have a desire to facilitate Right Voice For You classes to attend. This class offers a huge array of tools for facilitating others on any topic you are interested in and stepping out in the field of your choosing. 

What if all that was required to be a great facilitator was to really stay in the question, be interesting point of view and create space for others to change? 

What do you know that would be a gift to the world? 
What is keeping you from stepping into it?



3 days

Prerequisites to attend the Right Voice for You Certified Facilitator Training

  • Active Certified Facilitator (CF) License

Prerequisites to become a Right Voice for You Certified Facilitator for the first time

  • Active Certified Facilitator (CF) License
  • Read the book Being You, Changing the World by Dr. Dain Heer
  • Attend two Right Voice For You 3-day Classes LIVE in person (previously 2.5 Day Workshop) with two different facilitators. 
    *1 within the past 12 months
    * 1 anytime
  • Attend RVFY Facilitator Training LIVE in person within the past 9 months
  • Pay the specialty license fee and sign the specialty license agreement

Prerequisites for currently licensed RVFY CFs to renew their license

  • Active Access Certified Facilitator (CF)
  • Attend RVFY Facilitator Training LIVE in person within the past 9 months. If your most recent RVFY CF training was in person, you may attend this training online.
  • Current with all Class and Product License Fee Payments
  • Pay the specialty license fee and sign the specialty license agreement

Note: If you are restarting a RVFY CF license after it has expired, the RVFY CF training must be attended in person and in addition, you must have attended one Right Voice For You 3-day Class LIVE in person in the 12 months before the start of the RVFY CF training.


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