Carolyn Sinclair

Carolyn Sinclair

How is your life going? Are you aware you can make different choices?  in any area of your life?  (money, relationships, job, health, body,  family, etc)  What if now is the time to make some different choices? It can be easy (and even fun) with Access Bars® and Access Consciousness® classes, tools, techniques...  

I have studied and/or certified in a number of energy healing modalities and used them for over twenty-five years - Access Bars and Access Consciousness tools and processes are, for me, way happier, quicker, more potent and delicious - and they work! 

There's a whole 'wing' of Access called 'Relationships Done Different'. What'?!? You can make different choices with relationships? You bet!!


I am so grateful for the Access Consciousness tools and techniques - my life is so much happier, healthier, fun, and I make way more money.  Would you like some of that?

Sharing Access is so fun and such a contribution to me, everyone and the planet.  Please check my class schedule below.  (and, I love to travel - what could you and I create together in your town or city?)

and... exclusive to Access Consciousness - Carolyn's  'Performance Anxiety?'  classes - intro 2 hour class and full day class.   Are you a teacher, parent, business person, actor, singer, preacher, politician, facilitator, shop owner, network marketing person, sales person, lover, athlete, etc.?   Do you ever get anxious about presenting anything to anyone?  Would you like to book a session or even a class for your organization or group?


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Access Bars... curious?

“"What can I be here to create a greater possibility?"”

- Gary Douglas


My Classes


Tämä koulutus purkaa rajoitustesi perusteet, joiden pohjalta olet uskonut että sinun täytyy elää, ihan kuin sinulla ei olisi mitään muuta vaihtoehtoa! Koulutuksia järjestävät Access fasilitaattorit ympäri maailman. Foundation on 4 päivän intensiivinen tutkimusmatka siihen, mitä muita mahdollisuuksia sinulla on. Koulutus luo tietoisuutta tietoisuuden perustasta, jota et ole vielä elämässäsi käyttänyt!

Access Bars Koulutus

Access Bars on Access Conciousnessin ydin ja perusta. Se voi olla suurenmoisen seikkailun alku ja se voi olla jotain, mitä voit lisätä elämääsi luodaksesi helppoutta kaikkeen. Barsit ovat 32 tankoa päässäsi, jotka ovat yhdistyneet erilaisiin asioihin elämässäsi. Kosketa yhtä tankoa, ja puhdistat kyseiseen tankoon liittyvät lukkiutuneet energiat pelkällä kosketuksella.

Performance Anxiety?

Banish the stuck, sweaty paralysis of performance anxiety and replace it with excitement and "that went surprisingly well". 

Relationships Done Different

Relationships Done Different is an invitation to something greater.

In this class you will be given simple and pragmatic Access Consciousness tools to empower you to create relationships that actually work. It starts with your choice.