Ivana Faber

Ivana Faber


My name is Ivana Faber. I was born in the Czech Republic, where I graduated in civil engineering and after a short career in the field, I moved to the Netherlands in 2000 to learn all about the natural lifestyle.

In 2012, I came across a relatively new method in the Netherlands: Access Consciousness®

My life began to change quickly and dynamically. The longer I was playing with the Access Consciousness® tools, the more possibilities I had available, so I chose to become a facilitator and continue exploring what is really possible with this modality.

What I discovered in countless courses with Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer and in co-creation with various facilitators - Access® offers plenty of possibilities for anyone looking for change.

Would you like to expand your

- consciousness

- joy

- space

- calm

- connection with the physical body

- health

- the field of relations in the broader sense

- understanding how this reality works

- the financial situation

- and so much more?

I have been professionally involved in Access Consciousness® since 2013. Since March 2017 I have been an Access Certified Facilitator (CF), which means I am also an Access Foundation facilitator in addition to the Access Bars Facilitator (BF), the Access Body Process Facilitator (BPF) and the Access Energetic Facelift Facilitator (AFF). In July 2019, I managed to achieve a three-day body class facilitation certificate and can now offer also these wonderful trainings.

In the winter of 2019, I published the first Czech Access book: “Create Your Life”

I regularly offer the opportunity to attend many Access Consciousness® training courses in the Czech Republic, Netherlands and abroad, as well as online coaching and SOP (Symphony of Possibilities) sessions.

Are you looking for renewal and change?

How can I inspire you to choose more yourself?

How does it get even greater then this?

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Access Bars Koulutus

Access Bars on Access Conciousnessin ydin ja perusta. Se voi olla suurenmoisen seikkailun alku ja se voi olla jotain, mitä voit lisätä elämääsi luodaksesi helppoutta kaikkeen. Barsit ovat 32 tankoa päässäsi, jotka ovat yhdistyneet erilaisiin asioihin elämässäsi. Kosketa yhtä tankoa, ja puhdistat kyseiseen tankoon liittyvät lukkiutuneet energiat pelkällä kosketuksella.


Tämä koulutus purkaa rajoitustesi perusteet, joiden pohjalta olet uskonut että sinun täytyy elää, ihan kuin sinulla ei olisi mitään muuta vaihtoehtoa! Koulutuksia järjestävät Access fasilitaattorit ympäri maailman. Foundation on 4 päivän intensiivinen tutkimusmatka siihen, mitä muita mahdollisuuksia sinulla on. Koulutus luo tietoisuutta tietoisuuden perustasta, jota et ole vielä elämässäsi käyttänyt!