Talk To The Entities

Spirit Awareness Made Easy!

Join TTTE creator, Shannon O’Hara or a Certified TTTE Facilitator for a series of classes that will completely revolutionize the way you see the world.

Delve into the the dynamic world of Clearing, Communicating and Receiving with entities and discover a vast world of freedom and ease.

Learn what you should have been taught from day one and access your abilities!

What have you always been aware of?

Check out the classes below and visit the our website to further explore Talk To The Entities.

Entities and Relationships Intro

Club Entités - Évolution

Ce Club est une Spécialité TTTE créé par Angélique Bernard et approuvé par Parler aux Entités®. Un rendez-vous mensuel pour développer sa conscience du monde des esprits après une classe TTTE Le Commencement.

Talk To The Entities - Introduction

Talk To The Entities - Beginning Live

Talk To The Entities - Advanced Class

Birth and Death/Coming and Going with Ease Intro

Clearing Houses A-Z Intro

Mental Disorders with Entities Intro

Money and Entities Intro

Spirits of the Earth an Intro

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Résultats: ( {{totalCount}} Résultats trouvés )

Localisation Méthode
Date {{event.eventStartDate}} - {{event.eventEndDate}} {{nameHeader}} {{event.eventTitle}} Facilitateur{{event.eventFacilitator}}
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