David Kubes

David Kubes

International Lawyer  |  Entrepreneur  |  Consultant & Coach

Dr. David Kubes is an international lawyer, avid entrepreneur, consultant, coach and certified facilitator of several Access Consciousness® special programs, including Business Done Different, Right Voice for You and Right Riches for You..

After graduating from law school, Dr Kubes finalized his PhD in aviation law at the age of 25, obtained his international lawyers license at the age of 28 and became one of Austria’s youngest lawyers. He specializes in aviation law, finance and international project management.

In May 2006 he opened his own law firm in Vienna and has built several other business enterprises, including his Access Facilitator business, an import-export company in Cuba, an Art Gallery in Vienna and his own real estate development company. 

Since 2017, Dr. Kubes is the international lawyer of Access Consciousness worldwide.

David Kubes is fluent in German, English, Spanish, Italian and French - a skill he believes has opened new opportunities for him in the international project development sector, and has allowed him to travel the world.

Voir les cours à venir

Voir les cours à venir.

Date Événement Facilitateur Hôte Localisation Méthode
{{occurrence.StartDate}} - {{occurrence.EndDate}} {{occurrence.ClassTitle}} {{occurrence.Facilitator}}
{{occurrence.City}}, {{occurrence.State}}, {{occurrence.Country}}

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Mes cours

Right Riches for You Beginning Class (with Foundation prerequisite)

If money was not the issue, what would you choose?

Classe Corps de 3 jours Access

Et si ton corps était une boussole ou un guide vers les secrets, les mystères et la magie de la vie ? La classe Corps Access est conçue pour ouvrir un dialogue et créer une communion avec ton corps qui te permet de profiter de ton corps au lieu de lutter contre lui et de l'abuser.

Le Business autrement avec un JCF avancé

Cette classe n'est pas comme les autres classes sur le business auxquelles tu assisteras. Elle est différente. Elle te permettra de reconnaître ce que tu sais sur le business, l'argent et la création. Que sais-tu ?

Les bonnes Richesses pour toi, la classe intermédiaire de 2,5 jours

Tu n'as pas de problème d'argent, tu as un problème à recevoir - Gary Douglas