Katioucha Zakhanevitch


J'ai toujours rêvé d'un monde où règneraient la joie, la paix et la prospérité... J'ai cherché comment y parvenir... et j'ai enfin trouvé ! Tout a commencé avec les Access Bars®️... 

I had always dreamed of a world of joy, peacefulness and prosperity… I had been looking for it and I found the way! It all started with Access Bars®️

Je me trouvais à un moment de ma vie où j'avais touché le fond, où la douleur émotionnelle était devenue si profonde et si insupportable que ma vie n'avait plus de sens, j'avais totalement perdu le goût de vivre...

Et un  jour, comme par magie, les outils d'Access Consciousness®️ ont croisé ma route !

Au plus profond de mon désespoir, j'avais gardé tout au fond de moi une petite voix qui me disait qu'il y avait une porte de sortie, qu'il y avait autre chose de possible malgré tout, que ceci aussi finirait par passer.  En effet, une journée, une seule d'Access Bars, et tout a changé !

Tout a tellement changé avec les outils d'Access Consciousness®️ que j'ai choisi d'en faire mon quotidien de partager ces outils avec le plus grand nombre et de permettre aux personnes de changer, elles aussi tout ce qui ne fonctionne pas pour elles dans leur vie, à y instiller plus de légèreté et de joie.

Ce que j'aime particulièrement dans ces outils, c'est qu'ils sont extrêmement simples et redoutablement efficaces. Nul besoin de s'encombrer de lourdeur ni de fourrager dans le passé.

Quel futur voudriez-vous créer pour votre vie et quelle nouvelle réalité voudriez-vous créer pour le monde ?

I was at a place in my life where I had hit rock bottom, where the emotional pain had become so deep and so unbearable that my life didn’t make any sense anymore, I had totally lost the lust for life

Yet, beyond my despair, I had kept a little place deep inside where I knew there still was a way out of this misery, that something else was possible in spite of everything, and that this too would pass. Indeed… One day of Access Bars, and everything began to change!

And the change was so profound and amazing with the tools of

Access Consciousness®️ that I chose to make it my way of life and to share them with as many people as possible and empower them to also change whatever that doesn’t work in their lives, to instil more lightness and joy.

What I love above all in those tools, is that they are extremely simple and incredibly effective in a short period of time. No need to burden yourself with the heaviness of the past and rummage into it to improve your life.

What future would you like to create for your life and what new reality would like to create for the world?



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Petit avant-goût de moi à travers cette interview...

“Aujourd'hui, je choisis d'être la Joie ! Today, I choose to be Joy!”

- Katioucha







More Ease with Languages and Communication

Did you ever wish you could speak another language with ease?

Oh, maybe you even wished you could speak your own language with ease?

Did you know that when you are born, you can ‘learn’ any number of languages with ease? If you were immersed in 60 different languages that would not be confusing for you, because as an infinite being you are the language of energy. Well, it gets a little bit messed up afterwards… Parents, schools, teachers, cultures, nations, history… and so many weird points of view… 

Speaking, writing, understanding, translating, whatever you want to do with languages can be tremendously fun. If it’s not fun for you now, would you like it to be? How much more would you create in your life, in your business, in the world, if you reclaimed your capacities with languages?

More ease with languages and communication explores all the ‘stuff’ that sticks you in regard with languages and communication.

But the first language is definitely ENERGY! So, is now the time to uncover your capacities with the language of energy and go way beyond words?

Success Marketing

This one day class looks at how you communicate with and for you and your business.  What if communication and marketing was very different than what you thought?  How would it be if you could sell with ease and joy?