Carol Daynes

Carol Daynes

Hi, my Name is Carol Daynes, thank you for showing up on my page!


I have a sneaking suspicion that you have arrived here, because like me, you are looking to create something greater than what is currently showing up.

What If I told you that…?

I had spent my life searching, always feeling like there was something missing!

I had always felt like I was different and couldn’t get why I didn’t really fit in, no matter how hard I tried to be “Normal”.

Then I found something that worked for me, and everything changed.

More on that in a moment.

My background and my ask...


From 2009, I had worked as an SRI Facilitator & Educator in various NSA Chiropractic offices.


However, I felt as though just doing these one-on-one sessions was not enough, and I was looking for group trainings to contribute to more people.



What showed up next…?


It was then at an “Every Woman Expo” that I attended with a friend from nia dance, that I met some people running Bars on an Access Consciousness stand.


As I was curious, I had my Bars run at the expo. During the session I perceived a rocking sensation in my spine, as if it was creating a realignment of my body.


Little did I know, that was just the beginning of my transformation.

As I stated previously, I had always known that there was more, and since that moment, I was amazed at the speed of change that it created in my life. 


What changed?

Through the early trainings, I began to realise how much I was “aware” of energy in my world. Before I had the tools of Access Consciousness, I had no clue what to do with it. Talk about overwhelm and taking everything on as if it was mine!


Exploring the Access tools gave me so much more ease with who I am, how different I am to anyone else I know, and that I am more than ok with being me. It allowed me to have way more ease with the way I move through life and in my interactions with people.


What has it allowed me to contribute to others?


After attending the required trainings, my ask of the universe of facilitating groups was birthed into existence. I stepped into becoming a Bars Facilitator and then onto becoming a Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness and more recently a Right Riches for You Facilitator and stay tuned for my upcoming Xmen adventure too.


This opened a whole new world to work with others, allowing me to perceive what it is that they require, the key that can unlock absolutely everything that they would like to change that I couldn’t quite reach before.

Access Bars®, the core classes and the specialty classes such as Right Riches for You, fitted in so well with what I had already practiced and really opened new possibilities for myself and for my clients.

I love sharing The Bars® and the Access tools with others. I am truly grateful that I can BE more of who I BE and continue to inspire, awaken, and empower myself and others to live a more present, mindful, and conscious life.






Are you ready to be who you truly be?

What other possibilities are there for you?

Bars®, what powerful, yet gentle, loving, nurturing & life changing process. Empowering you to know what you know!

Join me to Access the change your life and you know is possible! Access your true potential.

Available for Private Access Bars®, Access Energetic Facelift & Access Body Process Sessions, Facilitating Access Bars®, Access Energetic Facelift & Access Body Process Classes and Happy Mouth™ 21 day activation programs. Also offers regular Access Bars® & Body Process Gift & Receive Swaps. What else is possible?

Contact Carol:

(m) 0407990892

(Whatsapp) +61407990892


If you would like to take a class with Carol, you can find her classes below.

If you would like to book a private session, please contact her via email or phone.

You can find her Facebook Page here:


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Volgende komende klassen

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Geen klassen weer te geven.


Mijn klassen

Access Bars class

Acces Bars zijn de basis en het fundament van Access Consciousness. Het kan het begin zijn van een groot avontuur en het kan iets toevoegen aan je leven, dat je zal helpen bij het creëren van meer gemak met alles in je leven. De Bars zijn 32 unieke punten op je hoofd, die verbonden zijn met verschillende aspecten van je leven. Raak één Bar aan en je begint de energie die opgesloten zit in dat gebied of aspect van je leven op te ruimen, gewoon door het aan te raken.

Access energetische facelift

De Access energetische facelift kan ook een schitterende aanvulling zijn op elk bedrijf waar je werkt met klanten en hun lichaam - schoonheid, wellness, massage en meer. Vergroot jouw klantenkring en aanbod van aangeboden diensten.

De Foundation

Deze class haalt het fundament weg van de beperking waarvan je dacht dat je daarvanuit moest leven, alsof je geen andere keuze hebt! Het wordt over de hele wereld gefaciliteerd door gecertificeerde Access Consciousness facilitators en het is een vierdaagse, intensieve ontdekkingstocht van wat er allemaal nog meer mogelijk is. De class creëert gewaarzijn van het fundament van gewaarzijn dat je tot nu toe nog niet hebt toegepast in je leven!

Right Riches for You Beginning Class no prerequisites

If money was not the issue, what would you choose?