Finding The Healer Within

Welcome to Finding The Healer Within

Healing (literally meaning ‘to make whole’) is the process of the restoration of health to the unbalanced, diseased or damaged.

What if 90% of people are doing healing without knowing they are doing healing? What if all the aches, pains, sickness and disease in your body are you and your body’s natural healing abilities?

What if the aches, pains, sickness and disease is merely your body giving you information about other people body’s and Beings? What if none of that stuff was actually yours?

What can you heal through choosing greater consciousness? What healing and change are you capable of choosing and facilitating with your hands and very being?

Discover how to unlock and access your natural healing capacities with ease. Does this bring you into a greater sense of possibilities? What if sickness was no longer a problem or wrongness but rather a possibility for greater awareness? 

Using the tools and processes of Access Consciousness™, shift and change what does not allow you to access the healer you truly be. Whether you are already a health care practitioner, body worker or have been seeking to heal your own physical sicknesses, this class will address the keys to true healing and provide the tools to get there with ease.


Access Bars Class


Children 15 and under are free. Ages 16, 17 & 18 are half price.


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