


A facilitator is licensed to teach Access Consciousness® classes, applying its tools and philosophies. They have completed in-depth training and participate in regular, ongoing training to expand their skills and capacities and, more importantly, to receive new material, tools, processes and awareness. Being a facilitator is a living endeavor, requiring them to be and then be more of the very tools they use with you.

A facilitator can ask you questions, facilitate your awareness, and invite you to choose, change and create something different.The core of any facilitation with Access Consciousness tools is to 
empower you. Access Consciousness restores you to the awareness of greater possibilities and more choice, for you and the creation of your life.


什么是Access Bars导师?

Access Bars 导师(BF)被授权教授Access Bars®课程,这是Access Consciousness的第一个核心课程。来听听Access Consciousness 的共同创始人描述过万名Access Consciousness 导师在世界各地现场教授Access Consciousness 所创造的可能性和改变。


一名Access 身体程序导师(BPF)获得许可以提供私人身体程序个案,主办Access 身体程序之赠予和接收,并获得认证教授60 多个个别的身体程序于3-4小时的单元课。

听听戴恩·希尔医生谈论 Access 身体程序所带来的那些改变。


一名 Access Consciousness 面部提升导师 (AFF)获得许可以提供私人面部提升个案,主办Access 面提之赠予和接收,并获得认证去教授Access 面提之一日课程。

听听 Access Consciousness 的共同创办人描述 Access 面部提升。


一名 Access 认证导师是最高级别的认证,获得许可教授基础课程、Access Bars 课程、Access Bars 体验、Access Bars 赠予和接收以及各种主题的课程。