


A facilitator is licensed to teach Access Consciousness® classes, applying its tools and philosophies. They have completed in-depth training and participate in regular, ongoing training to expand their skills and capacities and, more importantly, to receive new material, tools, processes and awareness. Being a facilitator is a living endeavor, requiring them to be and then be more of the very tools they use with you.

A facilitator can ask you questions, facilitate your awareness, and invite you to choose, change and create something different.The core of any facilitation with Access Consciousness tools is to 
empower you. Access Consciousness restores you to the awareness of greater possibilities and more choice, for you and the creation of your life.



Access Bars 導師(BF)被授權教授Access Bars 課,這是 Access Consciousness 第一門核心課程。來聽聽 Access Consciousness 兩位共同創始人描述超過萬名 Access Bars 導師在世界各地現場教授 Access Bars 所創造的可能性和改變。

什麼是一名 Access 身體程序導師?

一名 Access 身體程序導師(BPF)是獲得許可以提供私人身體程序個案、主辦Access 身體程序之贈予和接收,並獲得認證可在 3-4 小時的單元課程中教授 60 多個個別的身體程序。

聽聽戴恩希爾醫生談論 Access 身體程序所帶來的那些改變。

什麼是一名 Access 面提導師?

一名 Access Consciousness 面提導師(AFF)是獲得許可以提供私人面部提升個案、主辦 Access 面提之贈予和接收活動,並獲得認證去教授Access 面提一日課程。

聽聽 Access Consciousness 的共同創辦人描述 Access 面部提升。

什麼是一名 Access 認證導師?

一名 Access 認證導師是最高級別的認證,並獲得許可以教授基礎課程、Access Bars 課程、Access Bars 之介紹會、Access Bars 贈予和接收活動以及各種主題的課程。