Pragmatic Psychology

What if your insanity is the sanity that changes the world? 


If you would go to a psychologist and tell them that your insanity is a gift to the world, they would probably nod, scratch their chin, adjust their glasses, do their best to look understanding and in their head, you would sense the alarm going off: “Oh my god! This person is totally nuts! What diagnose will I give them?”

What if your craziness and everything this world calls insane, is a gift to the world not yet discovered?

Would you be willing to get over the necessity to fit in, to be normal, average and the same and explore the true brilliance of you? The greatest brilliance is you being you! You are what the world requires!

Pragmatic Psychology- Be the Peacock Podcast

Are you looking for the problem or are you asking for what is possible for you? Growing up in this world, we have learned to be dramatic and constantly focus on what is wrong. Are you ready for something different? Get inspired on how to create a life that works for you!

Books by Susanna Mittermaier

Susanna Mittermaier

Susanna Mittermaier, Gary M. Douglas

Susanna Mittermaier

Susanna Mittermaier, Nathalie Beauvois

Check out the classes below and visit our website to further explore Pragmatic Psychology!

Pragmatic Practitioner 3 Day Class

Pragmatic Psychology - 1 Day Class

Pragmatic Psychology - Online or Telecall


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