Dipanti Babulkar

Dipanti Babulkar

Hello there!

Welcome to my profile. What change have you been asking for? What would you like to change about your life? 

I am a Certified Bars Facilitator for almost a year now. Access Bars and tools of Access Consciousness have transformed and marvelized my life in ways I could not have imagined, and continues to do so. I had been dabbling in different healing modalities for almost 7-8 years and although they contributed immensely at the time, it wasn't what I was looking for. 

All my life I knew I wanted to do something that would empower others to know who they are and truly live their lives from that knowing. That has always been my ask in whatever work I did. And when I learnt about Access Consciousness and got to know more about what they are creating and contributing, everything just clicked which I had been looking for the last 30 years. 

One thing that has impacted me the most from Access classes is acknowledging that I, a single tiny (not really) being can really change the whole world. I had been carrying this lie with me for years that how could a small person like me could possibly create a change that would contribute to the whole world. And deep down I knew it would make a difference but who would really understand, I wondered. 


Today I know I have a choice in every moment to be my true self and that itself is a gift to the world and the universe. 

What do you know to be true for you that no one else does or may understand? Would you like to explore the infinite possibilities that are available when you choose You, your truth, your magic? 

I conduct Access Bars classes that is the beginning step to unravel the magic of you, being you and living a life that is happy, nurturing, magical and is a gift to you, your life, your loved ones and the whole world. 

What else is possible now?




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“Every day when you wake up, you have the choice to create your life, or let it be created by the projections of this reality.”

- Simone Milasas




AccessBars®是Access Consciousness的核心和基础。 它可以成为伟大冒险的起点,也可以是你增添到你的生活中帮助你在一切事物上更加轻松自在。 Bars®是头部的32个独特的点位,与生活的不同领域和方面相关。 触摸一个Bars点位,你就开始通过触摸它来清除锁定在那个区域或生活方面的能量。