Penny Tonkin

Penny Tonkin

Can I tell you a secret?.... The Access Bars® literally changed my life!

Are you searching for something and don’t know what that is? Do you just have a knowing that there is something that can change your life, from where you are at present, to make your life easier, lighter, more fun and make you feel happy? Guess what, you can with “Bars®.”

The Bars® do amazing things for you and your body. All it takes is an hour to hour and a half, and you feel different. It can remove so much going on for you energetically..... you may have had head chatter and all of a sudden your head is empty..... no noise or talk.

Having your Bars® run can give you better sleep, increased relaxation, reduced pain, trauma, anxiety, depression, ADD, ADHD, PTSD, OCD, just to name a few things.

What would it take to choose to give it a go and see what it will do, as it is different for everyone........ TRULY MAGIC!!!!!!!!

Bars® empower you to be more of You.

I wonder if the BARS® could change your life too, allowing you to be phenomenal?

My name is Penny Tonkin and I am an Access Consciousness Certified Bars® Facilitator.  Contact me to arrange a session or a class and start changing your LIFE!

Infinite gratitude

Penny Tonkin



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Access bars 赠予&接收

赠予和接收Access Bars®对你和你的身体是一个不可思议的滋养和仁善的程序,你将会打开通往合一之门- 在那里对一切事物的存在都没有评判,在一次Bars的赠予&接收活动中,你将能够与其他在你的地区的Bars执行者交换。这是让你的Bars定期运行的很棒的方式!