Maya Dayan

Maya Dayan

Welcome to YOU.

If you're looking at changing any situation in your life, if you are asking for more joy, more abundance, a richer living in all aspects, you came to the right place!

Access is an amazing modality that its target is to create more consciousness on the planet, which will result in a greater living for ALL of us.

Attending Access classes and receiving the Access bars and body processes has shifted everything for me.

What can it create for you?

Are you ready for more in your life?

I'm Maya, a 43 year old mother, teacher, wife, and mostly a seeker of change.

I took my first Bars Class 9 years ago, without knowing anything about Access, and I knew I was finally home.

The Bars session created such ease in my world, like Iv'e never experienced before.

since that first class I keep going deeper and deeper in my journey with Access and enjoying every moment.

It became such a huge part of our family life. All of us now gift and receive Bars.

It immediately brings us back to peace calm and a true sense of self. 

How much Ease and joy can the Access bring to your life? 

come and play!

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My Classes

دورة مسارات الوصول للوعي Access Bars

إن مسارات الوصول للوعي Access Bars هي جوهر آكسس كونشيسنس Access Cnosciousness اساسها. لقد قامت بمساعدة آلاف الأشخاص على تغيير العديد من جوانب أجسامهم وحياتهم بما في ذلك النوم والصحة والوزن والمال والجنس والعلاقات والقلق والإجهاد وأكثر من ذلك. يمكنك منح نفسك وعملائك وأصدقائك وأسرتك وزملاء العمل الرعاية واللطف والعناية التي ترغب بها بيسر تام من خلال تعلمك هذه التقنية أو تلقيها.

دورة الأساس

هذا الصف يلغي أساس المحدودية التي كنت تعتقد أنه يجب عليك العيش من خلالها لأنك لا تملك خياراً آخر! يتم تقديمه من قبل مدرب آكسس كونشيسنس معتمد في جميع أنحاء العالم ومدته 4 أيام من الاستكشاف المكثف لكل ما هو ممكن. الصف يخلق الوعي لأساس الوعي الذي لم تكن تستخدمه من قبل في حياتك!

Access Bars Gifting & Receiving

Gifting and receiving Access Bars® is an incredibly nurturing and kind process for you and your body. You begin to open the doors to oneness – where everything exists without judgment. In a Bars Gifting & Receiving you will be able to trade bars with other bars practitioners in your area.  It’s a great way to get your bars run regularly!

Access Book Intro

Do you love the Access Consciousness® books? Come play at the hosted book club, join the conversation and create even more change for yourself and others!